
yeah, I dont think rowdower has been here before

VOD is a friggin godsend for most of the country. Not everyone lives in or near a major city where one has access to a lot more indie fare. Its tough to watch the things you want when you live in a small town in central Kentucky. I dont wanna make the 45 minute drive to Lexington,pay for gas and parking plus ticket

I cannot believe someone HATES E.T. You sure have a heart that is 2 sizes too small.

Lets see,"relevant" stuff I dislike…
Cant stand Bob Dylan. If ol dude thinks the South Park voices are annoying Bob's slurred whine should make his teeth ache. I have never understood what has made him such a cultural icon. One song is the same as the other and maybe because I'm not a kid of the sixties but his lyrics

I left out a word
I meant to so NOT as middle of the road as teh Grammys

Supporting Actor
Say what you will about how gutless the Academy is they're still as middle of the road walking as the idiots who do the Grammys. Hell, they nominated Downey Jr for Tropic Thunder! Will he win? Nope. But still his performance was teh funniest shit I'd seen all year.

I'm still working on this theory so bear with me here…The Soup is the most insidious show on TV. It savagely rips on the no talent famous for being famous "reality" tv show set for folks like me(us) who will never watch such drivel.But watching shows that pokes fun at them implants said drivel into our minds, forcing

AARRGG I cant get the music clips to work. The lil player thingy doesnt even show up! What gives?

Shawn looks like…
I didnt know Matt Hasselbeck made a TV show.

Hey I managed to post into the future! Its now only 10 am

I got dragged to a midnight showing of this last night by my girlfriend who just LOVES the book. She hated the movie. Those actors were terrible. And I didnt know about the whole sunlight makes vampires glitter thing beforehand so when Broody Mcvampy stood in the sun and started sparkling i inadvertantly let out a

Steve B gives whole new meaning to the phrase, jesus Pleesus!

The Thing that only eats hippies

Anything by Joy Division
The PIXIES dammit. Wheres the love for Kim Deal.

My name's Forrest Gump. People call me Forrest Gump. Ahhh, that line never fails to make me laugh. That is, when the kid says it on the school bus.Can y'all believe that the Gump kid really joined the army? Just imagine the shit he had to take when the other guys realised he was the Run Forrest kid.

YAY …I lost on jeopardy,baby,woooOOOOooo

No you're the stupidest.

Does anyone remember that Denis Leary cop show? I think it was called The Job. Leary was a drunk ass pill poppin cop(hmmmm, sorta like Rescue Me). I only saw a couple of episodes but one gag I remember ondly was Leary and his partner didnt wanna work this homicide so they flipped the body over a wall so it would be

I let my girlfriend(who totally missed out on punk) listen to this album and she loves it. She described it as a kickass hard rock record. Which,if you no nothing of the History of Punk, it is. Because just hearing the album free from all the bullshit is liberating. It fuckin rocks.

Surely Karl Rove wouldnt spew a bunch of half-truths and outright lies.I love O'rileys bullshit. He's such a piece of shit.