
This shit is funny. Dont the drummers in bands like this have to be the most in-shape musicians in rock. Jesus but this shit is stupid.

Last year I saw The Rev, Hank 3 and Nashvillle Pussy in Cincy at Bogarts. what a great fuckin show. No real comment to make here other than it was one of the coolest things I have ever seen. Right up there with GWAR in 91 and the Janes Addiction/Rollins Band show I saw the same year. Delete the Rev at your peril.
I got

Keith,man, where are you from? I saw that tour at Kings Island too. You werent the idiot who made me spill my nachos were you?

Never got to see the Mats. I blame my mother. They came near on the tour when they opened for Petty and I was grounded because I got a note from school about arguing with my typing teacher(who was also the cheerleading coach) about her playing in class that stupid ass dance remix shit that the cheerleaders used in

does he say, Mother nature runs down your semen? maybe I should listen closer…I …I..cant

Planet X
Theres a girl on planet x
I dont know her
but thats alright
she doesnt know me either

I always liked the witches' eyeball ring. I bought one for my ex way back when we were dating. It didnt let you see far away though.

I have to agree on tilly. She is still highly layable.

I thought The Toy was friggin…whoops…motherfuckin great as a kid. None of the racial stuff even occurred to me. Hell, the black kids in my subdivision all thought it was funny as hell too.

Dont call me pudgy portly or stout lemme tell you once again…who's fat

geee, I thought EAsy Rider was a work of fiction about hippie ass bikers riding across country in the 60's. I am suprised to find out it was a serious look at the world and culture of the long-haul trucker and their reactions to changing social norms.
Maybe if 'thankfully no' didnt spend so much time skulking around

My first exposure was "I'll be like Nina Simone and defacatin' on this microphone"
KNow it?

ummm thats OUtshined, the lyric is 'looking California, but I feeling minnesota'

I didnt have MTV at the time Nevermind came out nor did I really listen to the radio that much. I mostly listened to tapes(thats right,tapes) of people I already liked. A friend traded me Nirvana for the Use your Illusions(I think). I was friggin blown away. That album seemed to be a culmination of the stuff I had

I loved Louder than Love in high school. The guitars, Cornells SCREAMING it was metal for guys who hated what was passed off as metal in those days. Those days were the late 80s when PoisonRattWhitelionsnake was "metal"

nothing to do with anything
As I sit here in the library reading AVClub somelady has brought in her daughter who obviously has some kinda mental disorder.Oh OK she's retarded. They are sittting at the PC behind me and the girl keeps grunting and clacking those plastic ball things that clack together when you swing

Or Bittorrent biyotch

Trucks was the name of the short story the horrible movie was based on. I felt the story had a real sense of dread that got replaced by a Gren Goblin semi in the movie.

I dug Bugs Life too

Oh, I forgot to mention when I took my son and my girlfriends 2 girls to see Incredibles the theater gave them cardboard masks like the family wears in the last third of the movie. My boy wore his thru the whole movie, the whole time we were in the food joint after the movie and the whole ride back to his mothers