
Who else loves the fact Pixar takes the time to animate bloopers to stick with the end credits like an old Burt reynolds movie. My son, who was 6 or 7 yelled out "Its Woody" to the delight of the other theater goers when Woody showed up at the end of Bugs Life.
Parents of young children know that kids will

Its probably the superhero fan in me but I ADORE The Incredibles.
I dont see the 'fascist' underpinnings at all. Thats ludi-crus.The message I took from it was:If everybody is special, then no one is.
That and dont wear a cape.Oh, and, if you ever find yourself the boss of a former super strong superhero…dont piss him

I have to say TS2 joins Godfather2 and Empire as one of the few sequels that surpass the original. I took my son to see it and I remember watching the entire movie with this stupid ass grin on my face. The toy store scenes are friggin genious.

Was Nuge a douche? He's the NUGE!
But poor Scott Ian, he really seemed to hope the band would work. He's such a fanboy it was fun to watch him interact with Nuge.

I'm not sure he's that bad of a bassist. But he is a total fuckwad. All his bitchin about Bach's drinking got old. Just becuz he's a reformed alky doesnt mean everyone he comes in contact with has to put their liquor away. Tough it out tattoo boy and go put your dick into your porn star wife.

reality show band
Whatever happened to the band VH1 put together? I was entertained by that show. I loved how Scott Ian wanted to name the band "Holy shit! I'm in a band with Ted Nugent" Thats high comedy right there. I also loved how Bach thought people still gave a shit about him.

Lime Spiders
Thats who Obama's jammin to
Becuz I just watched the My Favorite Room video on YOUTUBE

what is up with you dude. You are in every thread with that worn worn shit.


Hell, just watch ER if you wanna see Mouira. or whatever it is.

Donna from 70s show is Smokin hot.

90 here too Jason. Are you going to your 20 year reunion? We should double date.

domo domo

Lemon Drops 2
That video reminds me of watching my tape of 120 Minutes in TV Workshop on Monday morning at school.

Lemon Drops
WOW. I had totally forgotten that band ever existed. Havent thought of them them since High School. Which was way back in da late 80's.

I thought Soulja Boy was the voice of the people.
Bob Dylan is old dog.
He a old ass man.

this could get expensive
I dont see good things coming from this. TM will try to get into the black ASAP. You know they're gonna do it by raising their fees. I fuckin hate them! A ' convienience charge' because I printed my tickets at home? Charging extra for WIll Call?
Fuck them I hope they go under.

The market for people who wanna drink something NEW is never over. Just look at all the beers now made with Lime. Or as I like to call them "My First Beer". Becuz you cant tell me Bud Light Lime isnt aimed at teenage girls.
Bud Light Lime: Making date rape fruity since 2008

I would hope slidinglight is wrong and Cross isnt trying to dick on Bill Hicks. I like DC but he is NOWHERE near as funny as Bill Hicks.

Dude, download that shit and catch up.