
I didnt know Nightcrawler ever fronted a band.

Why? That show was funny as fuck.

Thats good to know. I just started reading it and respected the choice to start the book with Farleys speech at the rehab center.

As opposed to his love for shitty reality television. I mean,c'mon, what man watches the Bachelor?

Hey! I enjoy Simmons.
But he's not as funny as DJ Gallo.

Mr Rabin to the front of the class
What the hell are you doing?!

Not related but since I'm in this thread…
Hey AV Club, you guys gonna review The Chris Farley Show? I just checked it out today, wondering if any of yall read it.

It was Sebass Bach. Didnt he wear it at that Moscow hard rock festival?

I wore my parachute pants on Buck Night at our local theater to go see this. As did EVERYONE else in junior high. Thats right I paid a dollar for this breakdancin goodness.

Just saw the new Hulk. Not bad but not awesome. Entertaining. My 13 year old son says it wasnt as good as Iron Man.Which I didnt get to see because the day I drove to the theatre the power was out on that half of town. So…

"Niggas luv them some R.Kelly"

"Niggas luv them some R.Kelly"

Speaking of Novelizations
I read Fosters Alien too. It was quite good, at least in the 7th grade it was.
But did anyone read the book for Gremlins? I recall that it was pretty kickass. Spike and Gizmo talk to one another! My young mind was BLOWN.

I could give a smurf about a live action smurf movie. Unless they explain whether they are mammals or something else.

I liked CTHD until they started up with the flying.
I coulda swore I read somewhere the reasons I gave above for HOng KOng not liking that movie. I know the Cantonese/Mandarin stuff was an issue, I just cant recall where I read it.

I think so.

I thought Hong Kong hated Crouching Tiger because Lee had them speaking Mandarin when it shoulda been Cantonese or the other way around. And the wire-fu shit started off neat like those guys were SO light on their feet they could run around like that but quickly devolved into them flying. That irritated me when I

I agree. His brooding is much more understated and played for laughs in ANGEL. PLus Angel features a WAY hotter Cordy.

Hulk comics(at least when I read them in 80's) are all about HULK SMASH. Thats what the Hulk is. Pure strength driven by anger. I hated the first Hulk movie because I dont remember Bruce having all those Daddy issues. Yes he tries to find a cure and tries to stay calm so as not to Hulk out but,c'mon, he wasnt a totaL

I remember when the One video came on and Beavis didnt know who it was. They complained that it was slow.