
Oh jeez, Angel irritates the hell outta me on Buffy. I dont know if some of it is run-off from Brad Pitt's character in Interview with A Vampire or what but the whole "I"m so sad I'm a vampire" shit gets really old. Shit man, suck it up.Its terrible you get to live FOREVER. Get over yourself,bite some friggin necks

How do you know whats showing up on HULU? Some kinda insider good-ol-boy network?

I gotta agree with mmy on this one. Road House is by no means a 'cult movie'. I seem to remember it being VERY popular.At least it was after the tape was released.It came out when I was in high school and everybody loved it. And not in an ironic, too- cool kinda way either.Dont you remember? SWAYZE was fucking KING in

yo momma is so dirty her feet are funkier than james brown.

Yo Momma is sooo black her drivers licence photo looks like a negative.

I had Wild Thing on 45 when I was a kid. THe B-side had a GREAT tune on it called A GIRL LIKE YOU, a real catchy tune with a kinda Lil Drummer Boy hook. Ba daBA bum buuuuummm ba babum.
Years later when I discovered punk I went back to that single. You can definetly hear some early punk sounds on both tracks.

Me too.

I knew I read it somewhere. Of course I read it somewhere, I wasnt hanging at all the Hollywood parties in the 90's. Or now for that matter.
Shoulda known it was here though.

Dick, Andy Dick
Other commenters have mentioned thaT this was the last time Andy Dick was tolerable.Now he's a friggin waste. Did anyone see that vid of him at some kinda frat party when he's falling down drunk and they have to pack him out of there.?He throws a beer at one of the guys there, its hilarious.
Oh yeah,

or not


Say what you will about Journey, their songs never fail to get the middle age women a-swooning on karaoke night.


Star Trek
Anybody else reading Shatners autobiography? Its hilarious. He is either hyping his website and all the crap you can buy from it or talking about how fuckin great he was in every role he's ever played. Right now I'm in the TJ Hooker years. I didnt realise what an important show Tj was. Until Shatman told me

Forgot about Faith! I saw her in that Kirsten Dunst cheerleading movie first. Yeah I watched bring it on…so what?!

Billy Ray
Did anyone else see the come-hither look Billyray's giving that boy sitting in front of him.Combined with that little hip-shimmy thing he's doing the whole pic gives me the creeps.
But Billy Ray's a KY boy so I cant be that hard on him.

Wow, an Ellison interview! Dont know why but I was pleasantly suprised to see this. I wish there was some Ellison in The Big Box of Paperbacks.
I am currently reading a couple of stories from Deathbird Stories between each book I finish as kind of a palate cleanser I guess. Been a fan of his since high school.

Oh I'm not backlashing. I saw this with kids in a theatre and was bored silly. The begining was cool and the scene when he left the hive for the first time was great fun to watch on the big screen. But the courtroom drama stuff was BORING. Who puts a drawn out court battle in a kids movie. It was obviously aimed at

Chrissy, I saw her on that abysmal Kelsey grammer sitcom a few weeks ago. Still smokin. In fact I thought more so. I dont know if she has been on one of those celibreality shows. If she had I believe I would have tried to watch it.

Thank God this is watchable. Theres been much clamoring in our house about seeing this. After the debacle that was the Bee Movie a decent cartoon movie will be a welcome change.