
You gotta remember I didnt start watchin this until it was in syndication. Hell I think Angel was already over before I saw the first ep of Buffy. Plus Carpenter is in her 30s too if I aint mistaken. So I'm not some kinda sceevy pervo.
At least I dont think I am.

I know this is about the most fratboyish douchey thing to say but…

ghost dog
is great simply because of the scene when the old gangster is walking thru his house rapping 'cole lampin with flava'

Holmes Fans?
Are there really big Sherlock Holmes fans out there?

AJR…sounds like a tobacco company

I dont really like Mayers music but after he and Dave Chapelle did that skit about the music different races like I will always have a soft spot for him.

Kings of Leon
You know, I really hope he does a long article on Kings of Leon.

I never did understand stoners who wanna get people who dont smoke high. If the nonsmoker said they dont smoke but would like to try it…ok. But otherwise you're just being a pusher like in the Afterschool Specials.

I have to agree with taint and Trickster. A really drunk person is WAY more irritating than a really high person. Drunks will spill their drink on you while a stoner NEVER drops his pot on your new shoes. Or pukes. Plus if a stoner gets the equivilant high of a dude thats drunk they will generally just sit around

MTV get off the Air…NOW
The network that pimps a talentless myspace stripper,TOO many shows with drunken fratboys and bipolar drunken trollops living together and arguing over the most trivial stuff,spoiled ass 15 year old girls,that horrid bus dating show,superficial college kids deciding who to bang by whats in

Yes Undeclared! I loved that show. Of course I feel like I only watched about 3 episodes. It didnt seem to last very long.
Right now I am watching Freaks and Geeks. Another great one cut down before its time.

AHH, Santos! That comment sums up everything I hate about Aerosmith.Any of yall ever go to Wolfgangs Vault.com? There's lots of good concerts there including an old Aerosmith one from the 70's when Tyler was so coked out he forgets the words to Walk This Way. He just starts going "ramma lamma mamma jamma'" or some

I saw Tool in Freedom Hall in Louisville. Not that great. The whole experience was kinda bleh. Fredom Hall wouldnt sell beer and Tool never played Sober. But there was at least 15 minutes of drum beating and feedback drone while those creeping head whipping guys crawled around on stage. So in short it kinda blew.

POPLESS? Where did you go this week.

Where is POPLESS?

Yeah fuck greg his character is useless.But you know who fuck else? Drew Barrymore. Fuck her. I have been catching up by watching eps on theCW.com and everytime her stupid makeup ad is over the show locks up. I am left there staring at her face with that stroke-victim smirk.

…and Daniel Day Lewis peaked in American Pie.

Daddy would you like some sausage?

"Its the largest wrapped sausage available"

OH jeez, Didnt that alphabet line make you feel old?!I was in frikkin High School when Last Crusade came out.