Rusty the Bailiff

You live at Bumbershoot?

Her initial contact with him was a text that included a photo of her Special Purpose.

I consider Maron my favorite comic who has never actually made me laugh out loud.

We're getting all kinds of new ways to get sick of Maron!

What with him being on WTF and The Longshot and Dana Gould and You Made It Weird and David Feldman, plus all the promotion around the Bitter Buddha doc, I feel Eddie's got nothing left to offer me. It had been building, but I think his yelling during the live WTF interview with Harmony Korine was the tipping point.

I've got Eddie Pepitone fatigue. And Marc Maron fatigue is fast approaching, with all the self-promotion he's doing.

Yeah, you'll notice I had more to say about what it's not than what it is.  It's got some coming into its own to do.

I too enjoyed Amstell, and I'm also guilty of not being familiar with his work. He was on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me once, and that's the only thing I know him from. (He was hilarious on that, FWIW.)

I saw Short Cuts in the theater with my sister, and when that scene happened she loudly cried out "Oh, WAAAH!" to much laughter.

Podcast thoughts for the week:

I have. He's off to a good start. I like his style—it's not a catalog of Todd's neuroses and his conversations don't aspire to profundity the way Maron's do. I also like that it's not a workshop for half-baked bits.

I vote for 4.

I'm about halfway through it, it's pretty good—it's the first King I've picked up in many years. I'm at the point where the Oswald stuff is starting to take over the narrative; oddly, I found the Oswald stuff intrusive to the world-building King did before getting on with what the book was, you know, about.

Except when he calls it "burying the brisket."

Or "darktown." Or describing someone as "from hunger."

He's only said it, word for word, several hundred thousand times.

Now this is how you announce departures, dummies. The writers underestimated the impact their individual announcements would have on their readership, coming all at once like that, without any additional info. Thanks to Kyle for being the one person involved who handled this correctly.

I knew Judge Wapner. Judge Wapner was a friend of mine. You, sir, are no Judge Wapner.

I was swimming in a rainbow with millions of babies… and they was naked… and then all of the sudden I turned into a perfect smile!

If you feel, you heal!