Rusty the Bailiff

No, someone's wife is a speech pathologist who has made me more aware of vocal fry than I ever wanted to be. It's also a frequent topic of discussion on Your Mom's House Podcast.

I like Megan Amram and tried to listen to the podcast, but holy fucking vocal fry! I couldn't get through 5 minutes.

Seriously, no Planet P Project?

He spelled "diminution" wrong. I am smarter and a better writer than David Simon.

Miranda Lambert's "Kerosene" sounded so derivative of Steve Earle's "Feel Alright" that she ended up having to give Earle a songwriting credit.

I don't know why he's participating in festivals at all. That setting seems to give him pretty much the opposite of everything he demands as a performer. Sadomasochism?

I just think it's amusing that someone like Mark Kozelek is performing at something called "Fun Fun Fun Fest."

I didn't say being fat invalidates everything Ali Campbell have do (sic). But, boy, is he ever fat. Valid, but fat.

Seen Ali Campbell lately? More like UB-Fatty!

And Superchunk

After the dog-pill hiatus, the episodes started appearing in "The Rest" regularly until they fell out of Podmass altogether. The current crop of Podmassers ain't feeling it no more.

I was surprised by how game Bieber was.

He also played "Booze-Soaked Rapist" in Heaven's Gate.

I was recently almost cockblocked by Joni Mitchell…I was making time with my best gal with satellite radio on, and a Joni song came on…I felt said best gal tense up as Joni got shriller and shriller. She confessed her deep loathing of Joni and I turned it off. So, merely a temporary setback.

Saw Kevin do standup back in June, and in the subsequent Q&A he said that a KITH tour was likely. This Toronto-only biz is probably just warmup.

The ending of The Adventures of Milo & Otis goes for the pugular.

Dave's schtick has gotten pretty tired for me as well. Greg is at least a decent standup, but Dave's got no game in that area. Being pissed off and yelling "WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!" does not an act make. His album Shame Chamber was some pretty weak shit.

Deep Shit with Baron Vaughn

So, Walking the Room has gone from being consistently in "The Best" to being consistently in "The Rest" as of late, to now being gone from Podmass altogether.

It's very sweet of you guys to defend the honor of a declining sitcom like this. Hugz!