Rusty the Bailiff


It annoys me how I have to stop what I'm doing and go beat off every time I hear it.

It annoys me how I have to stop what I'm doing and go beat off every time I hear it.

All Xmas songs that are not this song are the worst:

All Xmas songs that are not this song are the worst:

Noe Valley Ministry! I saw Jonathan Richman there, also in the mid-90s. It was billed as "A Dance Party with Jonathan Richman," to be performed with a full band. But it also happened to be when Jonathan was going through his divorce, and he was clearly miserable as he tried to make his way through a string of upbeat

Noe Valley Ministry! I saw Jonathan Richman there, also in the mid-90s. It was billed as "A Dance Party with Jonathan Richman," to be performed with a full band. But it also happened to be when Jonathan was going through his divorce, and he was clearly miserable as he tried to make his way through a string of upbeat

I saw Lou Reed in Durham, NC four years ago. It was a couple of weeks after the news came out that he had finally married Laurie Anderson. He was clearly in a great mood, was relatively chatty between songs, and ended the night by saying "Thank you. You've been very nice."

I saw Lou Reed in Durham, NC four years ago. It was a couple of weeks after the news came out that he had finally married Laurie Anderson. He was clearly in a great mood, was relatively chatty between songs, and ended the night by saying "Thank you. You've been very nice."

Uh, no it doesn't.

Uh, no it doesn't.

I selected to get a sample of this from Amazon, which confirmed the sample was on its way. But every time I sync my Kindle, it doesn't appear and it says "No new items." Spooooky. Nice trick, Mr. Danielewski, nice trick.

I selected to get a sample of this from Amazon, which confirmed the sample was on its way. But every time I sync my Kindle, it doesn't appear and it says "No new items." Spooooky. Nice trick, Mr. Danielewski, nice trick.

It's actually a quote from House of Leaves' dedication page. Seemed appropriate.

It's actually a quote from House of Leaves' dedication page. Seemed appropriate.

This is not for you.

This is not for you.

The exhaustive glossary definitely helps.

The exhaustive glossary definitely helps.

I've wondered the same thing, and I actually went through the archives. They've been in "the rest" only a few times.