Deep Fried Southerner

Those last 412 are just gratuitous!

I can't wait for Transmetropolitan, starring Keanu Reeve!

I can't wait for Wolverine to be depicted this way
A pain addict who fights to feel alive because he's so damn old. That's the film Aronofsky should make. Instead it will be like the Ang Lee Hulk movie.

Question already answered by EN.

That never occurred to me - how awesome would 21 recruiting Dermott into the Monarch's crew be? They could do a whole fresh Monarch episode from his "Sheesh, whatever, dude," perspective. It'd be like that subplot with the Frankenstein resurrected henchmen over again.

No the networks NEED to beat on each other and compete for the same time slots and leave most of the week full of suck.

The Ernie Kovaks Show could arm wrestle Nightline to a sweaty draw.

This review confuses me
Sure, the Howard plotline is lazy and predictable, but it had a funny payoff. The Sheldon/Amy/Penny stuff just got uncomfortable silence in the DFS household. I really wanted the date to be funny, but honestly, we'd be much better off with Leonard and Leslie Winkle hooking back up. And making

Grant's only had a critical revival among dudes who want to make Reagan the best president evar. In the real world, people understand that his negative impact on the Presidency while he was in office was only eclipsed by Richard M. Nixon.

I'm guessing this will be a 'spectacular failure that I force all my friends to watch even though they will hate me for it.' Kinda like Spaceballs.

Okay, I know it's been canceled for forever, I was just hoping for them to retroactively erase even the story. And any existing copies of episodes.

Actually, the question is will the plot of the Joey show be worked into the movie? Or will they admit it was just a collective national nightmare and have Joey wake up in New York?

Sure, the Dalek episode was weak, but it was part of the new era's undoing of everything RTD. I can't argue with that. No more half-dalek ragtag survivors that just want to be loved and see sunlight. Welcome back, glorious, terrifying space-Nazis.

"wait a minute - a 9 year old kid built C3PO?"

"Sitcoms have been done before. A sitcom about nerds…. hasn't."

Same reason we watch it. People are always on about how it's all brilliant and never been done before and clever and hilarious. In real life and on the boards. Then on top of that, it's had moments where it seemed like it would be brilliant.

When they decide to steal fireworks to blow up Gustavo? It's the only way to quit.

"I guess it's too much to ask that the plot move forward a little. "

Because only shows that are 'awesome' like 2 1/2 men get many, many seasons of 'hilarity.'

I'm afraid to comment without hiding behind a different pseudonym