Deep Fried Southerner

Norm MacDonald as Burt Reynolds as Sean Connery!

Norm MacDonald as Burt Reynolds as Sean Connery!

Tolling on 4chan is a better use of your resources than trolling on the AV Club.

I imagine in some future Series Finale (in 2040, here's hoping), Brock's final sequence is a miracle dance of Swedish Murder Machine mayhem performed once again with a restored 70's muscle car.

I just wish they'd bring back his dramatic background music.

Yes. If we give equal funding to Fox News (also a pittance as far as I and Fox News itself are concerned) so that Fox can make nonbiased education shows in the public interest, will the GOP STFU and GTFO?

Ultimate confrontation
I can't wait for Michael Moore to do a confrontational interview with Spurlock about this. "When did you decide to rip off other docutainment?!?"

2nd season redo!
Maybe they will reset to the end of the first season and be funny this time.

No love for Thor again I guess.

Thanks for the double post, AV Club forums. I enjoyed typing that 2x.

Kevin Smith slightly inconveniences rich moviemaking assholes
is what I would have titled this. The current distribution and marketing system seems like last century bullshit to me too.

Kevin Smith slightly inconveniences rich moviemaking assholes
is what this should have said. I find I actually agree with his criticisms of the existing marketing/distribution model.

Triptych is the word you're looking for. As in TRIPTYCH OF GREATNESS BITCH

Why don't we hate the millionaire who is "giving" him the "money" more?

It's true. See: Insane Clown Posse.

This is still a funnier joke than this dude will tell.

I was typing pretty much the same thing at the same time. This show isn't about nerds so much as Chuck Lorre's perception of nerds. Or the perception of SOMEONE who isn't in fact a nerd or geek at all. Is Penny writing this show from the future or something?

Fake Nerds
The fake nerd/geek knowledge gets a little bit worse in every episode. It feels like they fired whoever they used to consult with on nerd issues. Aquaman is (and has been for a while) a pretty bad ass character. I would have preferred an argument between them about whether new Aquaman sucks. That would have

"stay classy, Cougar Town" is a hilarious statement. They should keep the name just for stuff like this.

Bobby can go on tour and make money and still hang around between tournaments. Travis can go to college and still be around, or they can hang out with him and Kevin and Kirsten in college. There's no need to force their lives into stasis so that the show can keep going. Thank you, Cougar Town.