Deep Fried Southerner

I would prefer a failed caveman sitcom commercial over yet another voice of a lizard from a non-American English speaking nation. However, I would like it for about 30 seconds if a stereotypically Indian English speaker were the next lizard. Or hell, let Hank Azaria do the Apu voice. Shake that tired old brand up.

This comment is only as insipid as the show itself not being able to break the bonds of sitcom conformity like a Prometheus chained to the Rock of Mediocrity.

'The Wizard Knight' in a comics thread? You, sir, are daft. We can only explore the metaphorical significance of Bizarro in here. No talking about hard, possibly superfictional, books!

All non-American continents are sub-

The storm hit, the lake overtopped the levies, the levies failed, some people died, others suffered, and a bunch of people moved to other cities. Now people in New Orleans are still rebuilding.

You mean better than the rest?

This quirk fails. Of all the Sam Adams out there, this one is the least useful to me.

A Apple's devastating deconstruction of the show I previously thought was hilarious but now realize is nothing but a canceraidsflamethrower has completely changed my mind. His reasonable, well-argued and not at all trollish post has changed my life FOREVER. Goodbye Community, Hello A Apple. I will be your fan now.

Bollocks. I'm with the Donna is best camp, but the idea that Martha Jones can't cope on her own is bollocks. She spent a year crossing the Earth, telling the Doctor's story, staying out of the Master's sight just to… uh… *some stupid magic that Davies came up with* She's a pretty bad ass chick and was totally willing

Look, the Erin/Andy thing is genius. I can't wait for Jim to become Michael, for Pam to be be promoted up to be Jim's boss, and for Erin to get engaged to some other guy. Then they can recycle the entire first season and use it as the last season. It would be genius performance art.

On the one hand, I agree with Mr. Jerusalem. On the other hand, no heroes characters have been realized at this time. Or they have been realized, un-realized, re-imagined, un-imagined, ad infinitum, ad nauseum. Does any heroes character have any permanent personality characteristic that won't be sold out in 10 seconds

The only thing I have learned from Heroes is that superpowers make you STUPID and that is why people with the powers never outbreed the rest of us. And not just idiocracy stupid. Powers make you too stupid to live.

Maybe they will keep moving it around and wonder why it failed.

Modern Family is new Arrested Development.

You read my mind, scotteb.

I watch this show for Ed O'Neill. Can't wait for him to start pulling Royal Tennenbaum antics so we don't have to watch the rest of these people anymore.

Phil's job is to show how the modern generation of "men" isn't a "real man." Compared to a guy who scored 6 touchdowns in a single football game, he's nothing. Seriously, I am not a fan of seeing young Boomers and older Gen Xers painted as out-of-touch wimps. Thanks for breaking the sitcom barrier, Modern Family.

I hope this show gets better.

Probably better than a DOOM novel, I would imagine.

Costas is still angry about the way Letterman screwed him out of a job as the heir of Johnny Carson. So he goes on Leno.