The Thin White Duke Ellington

The accompanying ballot article is really interesting and gives you a cool picture of what the musical tastes of each writer is — well worth checking out!

I think The Colour Spectrum is pretty much designed to be hit-or-miss — it's such a diverse and eclectic mix of songs that it would pretty much have to be for most people.

I'm down for a great power-pop album any day of the week, but I genuinely didn't see what made Emotion so special. Someone described it as "1980s-era Madonna with all the interesting stuff taken out", which I think is a fair description — it's not bad by any means, but it's not really that different from a whole wack

I went on an unfriending rampage after Sandy Hook on my Facebook. The thing that surprised me was some of the people had never posted anything conspiracy related before — how is this your entry point to conspiracy theory?

I drank two last night and got a stomach ache, and I normally have a stomach of steel. I don't know how some people can just throw back pints of porters.

As beer trends go, I'm super into dark lagers. Side Launch Brewery in Collingwood has one that's super delicious. I actually made a delicious BBQ sauce for pulled pork using it as a base.

I had no idea Sibelius was so beloved in the US in the 50s, to the point of being overplayed! I knew he sometimes was considered a kitschy composer, but the amount of vitriol he got from people like Boulez (to be fair: who didn't Boulez have vitriol against) was surprising.

I've been seeing a guy for almost two months now! He's extremely talented — a singer, actor, and musical theatre accompanist who also teaches at a very good musical theatre university program. I've been keeping it quite casual, but who knows where we could go?

Started work on a new webseries with some very funny, very talented people. I've taken to room writing superbly well, but I'm a little concerned that the other shoe will drop soon and everyone will start to hate each other soon. Anyone here have experience doing comedy writing in a group?

I'm re-reading the fantastic Alex Ross' The Rest is Noise, which is as even-handed a take on 20th century classical music as I've ever read.

My best friend shares a name with a famous white supremacist. That's been pretty fun for him!

It was a real shame, because it was a super fun game for everyone!

Ha! Good guess. Oddly enough I do have a friend out LA way who lives with one of the singers in Pentatonix (this is the least interesting namedropping ever). My roommate is just playing bass for Shawn Mendes, who I only recently learned is a thing.

I've forgotten how much House of Cards re-invented her, because I had to check IMDB to see who Robin Wright played in Dragon Tattoo after the fact. It had been so long since I saw her!

My roommate is playing at the AMAs, so I'll be watching them for that if nothing else (please submit your joke answers as to who my roommate is below).

My trivia night has a multiple choice section where you're handed out the possible answers before it begins, and I always try to guess the questions before they're announced. I'm often better at that than the actual trivia.

Oh, that's awesome! I actually shared that one on Facebook a few years ago. I have a thing for Lifetime movies.

God help you if you accidentally leave a comment section in the middle of reading.

I don't think the quality of the writing on this site has decreased drastically, but boy oh boy the layout and comment format have gotten significantly worse. This used to be the best set-up site on the internet.

Hey, you can do a lot with CGI these days.