The Thin White Duke Ellington

And that's the crucial difference between this and Jupiter Rising, which is mentioned elsewhere in this thread. Jupiter Ascending's pacing and plotting makes no goddamn sense, and it's a total slog.

The designs are fantastic on this movie! I remember seeing the diva dance scene before I saw the movie, in a Blockbuster or something, and was transfixed by her design.

There's no way Ruby Rhod would have worked if Bruce Willis' reactions to him weren't so fantastic. They have surprisingly good chemistry!

This movie has fantastic pacing — it moves at a steady clip while still letting big moments land. It's also tons of fun.

I'd add Bob's Burgers to that list!

Yep, me too. I would just veer towards "the one that's the leader" — Cyclops from the X-Men Animated Series was my favorite character of all time. Which is super gross to think about now.

Thank goodness we have the excellent, comforting Disqus commenting system to fall back on!

She also is, with a few exceptions, in terrible movies. That doesn't help. She's not the worst part about The Scarlet Letter, for instance.

Oh, of course Deakins shot Unbroken. I can't believe I didn't know that, it looked amazing.

She's the Demi Moore of our times!

It's interesting — she sort of breaks the mold of actors-turned-directors making talky, acting-focused movies. Her first two films are lush, gorgeous, and hopelessly dull. It's like she's trying to be a low-rent David Lean.

Yes, famous nice Christian boy Leonard Cohen.

I was on Student Council and I'm, as you may have guessed, super cool.

I've still never walked out of a movie! There are a few films (like Baz Luhrman's Australia) that I retroactively wish I had, though.

I knew that — it makes sense that the Monroe Doctrine would come out of that era, though.

Um, these dogs are heroes. HEROES

Also, how many French national holidays are there?

I guessed Guthrie for the first DD because I figured it would be a folk singer I'd heard of and a city I hadn't rather than the other way around — like, Johnny Tulsa, or something.

I feel your pain — I lost my cat a couple weeks ago. Her decline was very steep and her last few days were spent being unable to leave the couch, so it wasn't unexpected and I'm glad she didn't suffer too long. But it still sucks.

It was alright! Got pretty drunk with friends on both Friday and Saturday, so that's always fun!