The Thin White Duke Ellington

I think there's something about synth-heavy scores that lends them to being "love em or hate em" type situations. Midnight Run is the more polished score (and movie), but Moroder's work on Scarface manages to be both garishly 80s and extremely unsettling at the same time. Moroder uses a pulsing, unsettled bass-heavy

This is one of my favorite jokes in the episode. It's so Ken Keeler-y.

No, Scarface also has long, uninteresting dialogue scenes that go nowhere. The movie is seriously overstuffed. I just rewatched it and was in awe of how glacially paced it is.

Yeah, the movie's at its best when De Palma just loses his shit and goes into full on nightmare mode. The nightclub scene with the masked performer, the stuff in South America, and even the early murder scene in the immigration detention center are twisted hallucinations.

I'll stand up for the Moroder soundtrack.

We could keep doing this all day, what with all the memorable and excellent Matchbox 20 songs we all know!

Hey, it's Todd! Hi Todd!

She was pro-choice and despised Ronald Reagan.

Huh. I'm surprised Armond liked A Serious Man (though he does get a slam in on the Coens later). Another thing we agree on!

Mr. Burns is coming to Toronto this May, and a friend is in it, so I'll definitely be checking it out. Glad to hear it's been getting good reviews!

We gays love money more than our own tribe.

Well-done middlebrow fare is the perfect descriptor for Survivor. It's so well put together and enjoyable to watch that it barely even registers that maybe the entire concept is awful and shouldn't be filmed. But they suck you in, somehow.

Aww nuts, when I saw the headline I thought it'd be a documentary on historical presidential runs. Wouldn't it be cool to highlight some of the stranger candidates, like John B. Anderson, Ted Kennedy's primary challenge, or the bizarre saga of Gary Hart?

The thought of a Tony Bennett album produced by Danger Mouse has potential, just because I think Danger Mouse has an ability to let the artist shine on their own merits. Ronson, though? He has one mode and God help you if you don't fit into it (like Rufus Wainwright. Ugh).

My favorite out of nowhere YouTube comment I came across was on a piece from Philip Glass' Einstein on the Beach. It just said "pray for philip glass"

The man knows funky!

Actually: if they decide to not have Weaver in the lead, Jessica Chastain would be a pretty kickass choice.

So: does Chappie fall in love with Ally Sheedy? Too bad there isn't a Spoiler Space…

My sister owned one Barbie doll and I owned one Ken doll when we were kids. They never really fit in with the adventures of our stuffed kitten toys so they just kind of got got left by the wayside. They would eventually be decapitated.

Ella? Sarah Vaughan? Bessie Smith (who Louie was a huge fan of and consciously imitated)? Betty Carter? Elis Regina?