The Thin White Duke Ellington

Having known absolutely nothing about Final Fantasy X-2 going into it, watching my roommate play it for a while was like having a fever dream. What an insane. insane game.

My dad's not really a gamer, but for some reason I remember him being really into both Omikron and that weird Peter Gabriel game. So he liked the art-pop musician tie in games I guess.

While I absolutely adore Heald in Silence of the Lambs (he is so perfectly smug in the part), there's something unique and excellent about Esparza's Chilton. He's a slimeball, sure, but his defining characteristic is his naked opportunism (which as the series pans out SPOILERS is a desperate, perhaps futile attempt to

Based on what I've seen (which is far from everything), this is what I'd come up with:

Yeah that sort of surprised me. I don't think I've ever met anyone who loved T3 the best. I saw it in Germany (in German) so it's always stayed in my mind as this weird, weird movie that it's probably not.

She also wrote and was a producer on some of the best of American Dad for several seasons, which is also a positive.

What a cool guy. I love reading and watching interviews with him, he always has a fantastic perspective on things and generally seems extremely interesting to be around.

I love hearing about people's terrible jobs, because it makes me feel better about my own work situation. Thank God I've never had to dress as Tweety Bird (I originally wrote Tweedy Bird, who is John Hodgman's proposed reboot of the charcter).

Okay, great, being straight is what the vast majority of people are. No one is disputing that.

Hey! They're bringing Diana Rigg back. Awesome.

I was just talking with a friend of mine on Facebook about a similar issue. I live in Toronto, which is one of the most diverse, tolerant cities in the world, and I still got called a faggot for holding my then boyfriend's hand in public. It was from across the street, and passer-bys look scandalized, but it's still

I used to yell at people on the Watch This columns for ignoring the obscure films and then throwing a hissy fit when something controversial was highlighted. So it's not always political.

I know it's mainly a tool of guys being creeps to women, but when I was a scowly teenager I used to get the "Smile, it's not so bad!" alllll the time. Maybe it's because I'm from a slightly more rural area?

While we're airing grievances with the actions of our friends on the left, can we please extend compassion for poor rural people? When the topic of country music or anything popular in rural areas comes up the AV Club might as well be a group of cigar chomping robber barons laughing at the ignorant hicks.

People have (understandably) been getting hung up on the "political correctness" angle, but the most fascinating point in that article is the growing divide on the internet between liberals and leftists.

This is a major issue in culture and media — straight men are seen as the norm, and everything else is a special deviation or a gimmick that has to be used incredibly carefully or it's manipulative. It's the casual erasure of minority experiences.

yyyyet's behn


Bangs is just a general cool dude. Awesome concert/live comedy director.

Jack's dead, isn't he? :(