The Thin White Duke Ellington

Hey you! Join the navy!


I actually remember Ebert's review not really getting the spirit of the film. But yeah, Ebert was anything but a scold.

Political Satire Boy is one of Marvel's worst superheroes.

Had to look it up. Wow, that's…not a great choice.

Is Lobsters back? This kinda seems like Lobsters.

He's also one of those "if critics are so smart WHY ARE THEY CRITICS" types which…whoo boy.

Something really bugs me about GoodBadFlicks, I can't really put my finger on it.

Yeah, he's a really good psychiatrist in the show! I really enjoy that element of his character.

Thanks for posting that, it was an interesting read. I'm not entirely convinced by that article (though the later letter to Cowell is indeed fascinating), but regardless of his feelings on homosexuality Ives was a traditional conservative, and there's mountains of evidence to support that. I can't imagine he'd have

I hope to Jesus, God Almighty and our Eternal Redeemer, that Noel Murray made those descriptions up.

I haven't seen Sebastiane. It seems fucking insane in the best way and I've got to check it out.

I love crazy, tacky memorabilia like that. To Ebay!

Music is, as it often is, a strange case. In the case of 20th century composers (who are some of the first to have political opinions that could potentially be transposed into the modern day), you have a host of conservatives — Stravinsky grew into a right wing crank late in life because of his adoption of Catholicism

I went on a Derek Jarman binge not too long too! Sean Bean is so damn hot in that movie.

I think the tonal shift is so clear between 1 and 2 that they would be weaker put together than kept separately. The first part is all one big cartoon (literally, in the case of the O-Ren anime), with big set pieces like the fight with Crazy 88 and brawling in the kitchen with Vivica A Fox. Other than the Pai Mei

Someone in the pocket of Big Hunt's, I guess.

I always forget that Theroux got his start working with Moore. The great thing about Louis Theroux is that he always seems genuinely interested at the people lurking on the fringes of acceptability, whether it's political (Westboro, KKK) or moral (porn stars, swingers). There's a resounding humanism that gets lost in

I rewatched Orlando recently. Tilda Swinton is a Pre-Raphaelite painting come to life, she is unearthly and gorgeous.

Speaking of Sean Penn, when was the last time he was remotely relevant in a political sense? I feel like this comment has been airlifted in from 2004.