The Thin White Duke Ellington

Weird how Billy Bob has emerged from that interview as being totally likable. The interviewer, however…

Wouldn't hipsters hate TBBT for being too mainstream? Or are we just doing the "hipsters are people who like things I don't" thing now?

"…baby looked at you?"

Must be from the recent ones.

I've often thought the sequel to The Simpsons Movie should focus entirely on Milhouse and be called "Everything's Coming Up Milhouse!"

You Made It Weird is the chief offender on that front, but I guess that may be part of the whole show's gimmick.

I think Rodrigo stepping to play with the strings was more of a symbolic letting go of his ego than a practical need to fill in for a missing player.

Thanks for the great reviews, Vikram! I agree with you on all your major points (Hannah Dunne is a revelation even when the character is weaker), though I think I'd rank this series a B or B- overall, but it's definitely got some potential if they excise some of the weaker elements. I think Rodrigo works best as a

Well, other than this absolutely nothing would be getting reviewed right now, except the occasional episode of Benched.

Jenny Lewis' The Voyager might be what you're looking for.

Alvvays has gotten so much attention in Toronto this past year, and they're…okay, I guess. I'm waiting for a full-length album before I dismiss them outright, but right now they're just vaguely pleasant 90s alt-rock throwback.

Looks like the white people strike again! A-ha-ha!

It wouldn't be insanely difficult to memorize the 1812 overture — but it would require work that I assure you THE ENTIRE ORCHESTRA hadn't put in on the off chance they'd be performing it in an abandoned lot somewhere.

The best part of the musical, aside from the dancing (which is absolutely stunning on stage), is Bernstein's compelling songcraft. "Tonight" should be a throwaway, but the underlying pulse in the song is so strong that the melody just soars above it. It's a great moment.

Bernstein isn't a particularly solid orchestrator anyway ("Mass" is a goddamn mess), and his brilliant melodic and rhythmic innovations shine through.

The book is crap and half the songs are stagey, table-setting nonsense. But boy oh boy are the good songs absolutely joyous.

Weird — I absolutely adore JCS, but I hate the framing device. I'm personally so used to seeing bible stories told through song (read: every major choral work ever) that it felt very natural for me.

$400 seems high even for a first chair NY Philharmonic player (unless they're a celebrity), but not really exorbitant. I also got the impression that Betty was overcharging Hailey, but maybe not.

Yeah, I thought them playing from memory was stupid. Honestly, it'd be more likely they'd be able to play the Hungarian March from a few episodes ago from memory, at least that one's short.

Hooray! Personal experience time!