The Thin White Duke Ellington

Mike Scully called in to Ben Schwartz's live stream viewing party, and to his credit he calls Homer vs. Dignity "a mess" and said that the entire plot is tonally off. He also said he wished the episode could be erased.

*bow chica bow wow*

I feel like I deserve a wedgie for this, but aren't we all using it wrong? Shouldn't "boo-urns" be used when you're cheering on Burns? This is the Rainier Wolfcastle "That's the joke" thing ALL OVER AGAIN

Aw, really? I just assumed she was the one holding it up. The character is amazing.

Young people are ON YOUR INTERNET, contributing QUALITY CONTENT!

I really wish Rowling had gone a different direction with Slytherin. Slughworth was a good start, but it'd be cool to see ambition and cunning not necessarily portrayed as GENOCIDAL RACIST WIZARDS

Wait, I went on a date with a GIRL?

Hozier! They're coming to Toronto in October and I am so excited. Definitely one of the best bands I've heard in the past year.

I have a suspicion I went on a date with an AV Clubber this weekend. Can't get much more awkward than that!

I made tangerine mojitos this weekend, with freshly squeezed tangerine and lemon juice. Plus mint from my garden!

David Bowie - Drive-In Sunday (noice)
Bird and the Bee - So You Say
Adele - Cold Shoulder
Stevie Wonder - Love Having You Around
Gillian Welch - Wayside/Back In Time
Beck - Nobody's Fault But My Own
The Band - Hobo Jungle
John Hartford - In Tall Buildings

The mania can be extremely dangerous — quite often when you're depressed, you're barely able to get out of bed, let alone kill yourself. When you're manic, you're still unhappy, and the urge to do something is stronger. That's when you jump off a bridge.

It's always safe to assume everything in here is a Simpsons joke.

Hey, Mandy does good work!

The great thing about comparing Prince and MJ is, to me, they're doing totally different things. MJ is slick, controlled, and unbelievably fun. Prince is dirty, gritty, and unbelievably fun.

I went to college in the States, and I brought the DVD down with me.

Welp, I never realized that was Scudworth!

Caroline Framke is history's greatest monster!

"Saaaay, where'd you get those fresh Pumas, bro?"

The A.V. Club
A Rope of Sand