The Thin White Duke Ellington

"Why, creating a mechanical British servant is no more eccentric than that tie you're wearing!"


Like many Canadians, I discovered this show on one of its myriad reruns on Teletoon's evening line-up (I'd heard my cool cousins talking about it when it first aired, as they were at the stoner college age at the time). Since then it's become one of my all-time favourite shows, and a constant source of delight and

The real star of the Psycho remake is Viggo's butt.

When was the last time there was a white man hosting The View, huh??


Extra credit for not resorting to a fat joke!

Oh God, imagine the confirmation hearings…

My aunt is a member of Opus Dei, and she was quite tickled by the organization's portrayal in The Da Vinci Code. She said it was essentially what people had been saying about Jesuits for centuries, but with a scary new conservative spin.

Oh, I do like this.

“Te” in particular—described by Merriam-Webster as a variant of the musical scale note “ti”

Prepare for the incoming Vaughnaissance!

As mentioned in the article, he was in Clay Pigeons. Which I hated. So, uh, carry on, I guess.

Hey regular AV Clubbers! So I have a Disqus related question: how the hell do you stay logged into your AV Club account? I have to go through this weird ritual of signing in even though I'm already signed in about four times before Disqus randomly recognizes me.

I wonder if they're going to dive right back into plot stuff or just be a cute hang out show for a bit? BOTH ARE ACCEPTABLE!!!

Yay, Octopus Pie! I love the strip, and Meredith Gran's snark and well-placed anger always brightens my day on Twitter.

It's from Outland, but the TV adaptation of A Wish for Wings that Work is very sweet, and i watch it every Christmas. The extended Lost Horizon joke is particularly inspired.

It's so delightful reading your comments in Andre Braugher's deadpan voice.

I saw Windows of, in all places, a queer cinema retrospective (dealing with LGBT characters through different eras). Needless to say, most of the audience was not impressed. I missed that Willis directed it, though!

Uh oh, looks like someone's onto the gay agenda. Nothing to see here, folks!