Someone needs to make a gif of the dumpling slapping
Someone needs to make a gif of the dumpling slapping
When do we meet the mother's friends; crazy married couple Marsha and Larry, the one that got away Robert who is now marrying the groups former horndog friend Barbie?
I am a sucker for physical comedy, and Justin Long had decent chops in this episode
Oddly this has a sort of Lucky Louie feel to it, where we have a typical sitcom set up with characters who say or do things that sitcom characters won't. Most sitcom characters won't have 2 kids with 2 different dads and most wouldn't have the characters say just plain ugly or mean things to one another without a…
That's it, this comment section has held me back long enough. I'm going to clown college!
The Tale of the Captured Souls, where the kid saps the life energy from the parents of a girl to remain young. Had me looking behind mirrors for a while
Totally a word I knew before the special
If the special is graded against all other comedy specials, then I would maybe agree with the C+. If judging against other comedy central roasts then this deserves an A. I only wish to rewatch maybe 2 or 3 other roasts, Hugh Hefner (watch the Dick Gregory segment), Bob Saget and maybe Shatner. Even the comics that…
Next season, future Ted takes a break and the wife takes over and it is all about her and her wacky friends leading up to the wedding, series finale 2 different stories leading to how they met.
Who knew that this was the "locked" position
You talk too much, talking cat
Apt 2F and Cheap Seats. Viva Los Sklars!
Always had a fondness for A Game of Pool (Season 3). While the story is a bit slight, nothing beats watching Jack Klugman and Jonathan Winters shoot pool
Jillian is comedic gold
I think this is my favorite season since season 6. It will be ruined, though, if they have to command a dog sled team to collect ingredients in the next episode.
Excited and cautious about the new AD stuff. Loved the third season for how over the top it was because they knew it was ending. But since then Hurwitz has done Sit Down, Shut Up and Running Wilde, proving that for every home run there are a few strike outs.
Kristen has won with side dishes and pot pie. Next week she will win with top ramen and an old boot
I immediately thought of the final episode of Dollhouse.
I immediately thought of the final episode of Dollhouse.
I am much more concerned with CBS's definition of "good"