
Mentos… giant hand… my first real Foo memories (foomeries?). Dave Grohl adapted to the changing landscape by taking a lighter approach to music instead of the self serious BS that grunge turned into and made a more lasting career that doesn't date nearly as badly as other acts from 1995 onward. His brand of

This was on my facebook feed, and underneath it was a link to breitbart.com discussing the issue. Do not read if you want to maintain faith in humanity. Of course reading any article about Adam Sandler really shakes the foundations of my soul.

Just checked my dad's book "Encyclopedia of Television Cartoons" (available on amazon) but yeah the W's suck. Perhaps the world of david the gnome or woody woodpecker could have overtaken wacky races

Duckman can't even get a runner-up?

Sctv 76-81 fridays 80-82 nearly anyones life actually

This pretty much applies to any comic book movie ever for me. But as a kid 1 thing sticks out: glad i didnt know the tmnt source for the 80s-90s cartoon.

I truly hope an episode of Newsradio makes it. So early in its run it offered "Smoking" but nearly any episode from the first 4 seasons could be in there. It is crazy to think it debuted 20 years ago.

Originally read the title as "Branson Family"…

Ironically, North Korea is already selling bootleg DVDs of The Interview

Seth MacFarlane IS Harold Hill

Reboot his Halloween Special. Lance Burton hasn't changed one bit since 1986.

So many terrible blues singers

R-E-C-Y-C-L-E Recycle! C-O-N-S-E-R-V-E Conserve!

Steve Martin is doing just fine, and half the people on here are either terrible people or extremely self destructive

I enjoy how a David Letterman promo on Monday night spoiled the death. Don't they know people DVR this stuff and watch it later? I mean a week later sure but the next night promo? But all that aside, this show can pull off what other shows can't: making tropes palatable. I mean, take the bare bones of this episode

This writer has hit the nail on the head when it comes to the show's popularity. It is not my favorite show, and it doesn't have Andre Braugher saying "kwazy cupcakes," but I find nothing truly awful about it and it is extremely watchable, unlike 2 broke girls or 2 and a half men is for me. It also celebrates the

Tell me one other good character in Million Dollar Baby besides the two leads. The hick family is so one dimensional they are practically clear, and the BS of Morgan Freeman's story and the awful Jay Baruchel sub plot. And the injury scene is ludicrous. People always seem to disagree with me about this movie, but I

Major League's TV edit left out the entire scene of driving the bull pen golf cart to the apartment, and some hilarious redubbing, and Naked Gun removed the gargoyle scene entirely. Finally getting to watch them unedited was almost like a badge of triumph. I will also say I miss old TV edits with awkward edits and

You all remember the David Cross character from Mr. Show who hated technology and would only listen to wax cylinders? Yeah, Ellroy is that guy

In theory, 90% of the entire series is filler if the end goal is how he met the mother. So thank god for filler