
Are you saying "best" in terms of how well-rounded they are as characters, how funny they are, or what good they are as boyfriends?

I know Jack-Tor is not exactly a classic in terms of characterization or pacing or wit or creativity or any of the strenghts 30 Rock came to be known for, but dammit, Jack's blooper reel may have been the most I've ever laughed at this show. When it suddenly cut to him holding one mug in each hand, I fucking lost it.


Well, you're wrong.

I'm not going to dignify the Emmys with a big rant, so let me just say this: the showrunner of Modern Family is the biggest douchebag in the history of television. The sustained "lovable underdogs" routine he does every time MF wins may be even more grating than the show's proper victories.

Thank you, now let's hope he never finds this page.

Thing is, I never watched AHS.

Phew, for a second there I thought BBT meant Big Bang Theory.

When I expressed my distaste at Tolman's defeat, my father turned to me and said, "Give me a break! Kathy Bates is a legendary actress, she's not even in the same league. All she does in Fargo is sit around with the same bland face all the time." Then we got into an argument over whether Tolman's character is more

*sobs discretely in corner*

The show was so boring, I'm glad Tatiana wasn't there to put up with it.

Don't know if anyone noticed, but they didn't show clips of the drama supporting actresses, even though they did show clips while presenting the equivalent male category.

It's not like The Painted Lady was the only bad episode, but what makes it different from, say, The Great Divide or Avatar Day (the "bad episodes" from seasons 1 and 2) is that, while those two were simply kiddie filler that felt out of place in a mature show like A:TLA, The Painted Lady actively tried to be a

It sounds weird, and I'm sure there are lots of people who think otherwise (myself included), but this is actually close to consensus among the majority of the fanbase. Mostly, S3 gets knocked for taking a little too long to pick up steam, not being as well-paced as S2, leaving Toph out of focus in later episodes,

Actually, Rob Schneider makes only a short cameo as the male escort with breasts sent to him by accident.

They probably didn't. As much as the writers are trying to give Bolin some distinguishable character traits this season, they're still more than willing to drop those traits altogether if it means he gets to crack a few jokes. The first half of the episode required Goofy, Optimistic-in-the-face-of-danger Bolin, so

I think the only times I was honestly affected by LoK on an emotional level were at Lin's loss of her bending, Asami deciding to turn on her dad, the murder-suicide, Tenzin's spiritual doubts near the end of Book 2, the whole Lin/Su thing this season and now Tenzin's "As long as I'm breathing" scene this episode. In

I actually though the final battles last year were horribly uninteresting, as if they were trying to use scale to compensate for their lack of creativity. But I'm one of those people who thought Spirits was terrible across the board (save for the Wan episodes, which were pretty good), so I guess I'm a little biased.

I like to go by Divinity: Original Sin; earth, water, air, fire (in this cell's double, your double will face your ally).

Look, I'm honestly adoring Book Three, I think it's venerable that the writers managed to build such a compelling new story after the watery mess that was Season 2, I love all the character beats they've been getting in and there's no denying that this season has been a technical marvel, but I actually didn't feel