
Oh, aren't you an incurable prankster?

I actually really like her. If there wasn't such an inexplicable shortage of good leading roles (hell, any leading roles) for Asian actors in Hollywood, I'd say she could have made herself a sizable star by now.

I will concede that we Pixar fans have very fragile egos.

The A.V. Club

"It works with all of them"

Upvoted for "Stupid Sappy Sandler."

I'm Brazilian, and I've never heard of clean shaves being a thing here. Of course, they may be a thing in a different part of the country — Brazil is so big and so culturally disperse that, even if you've lived here all your life, you can't really tell for sure whether something is a cultural thing or not.

Care to name a few?

And they aren't even making a big deal out of it like they did with Brave.

Holy shit, the amount of technical detail in this looks absolutely insane. Remove the cartoon-y characters and that shot of the dining table can damn near pass for live-action.

Maybe they are responsible for it being that way.

I actually have some respect for the third book on the grounds that the obvious way to end such a massively popular YA series would have been to just write something safe and serviceable to please fans and make everyone happy, but instead Collins tried her hand at something more personal, challenging and

*sigh* Millennials…

You know what, A.V. Club? It's fun to be ironic and detached sometimes but every now and then I think we're all allowed to lose our shit over some silly piece of entertainment. Therefore, SWEET MOTHER OF JESUS I CAN'T BELIEVE THE TRAILER IS FINALLY OUT THE EFFECTS LOOK SO IMPROVED THEY ARE ACTUALLY BEING FAITHFUL TO

I love Idris Elba and I love Taraji P. Henson, so there was a small part of me that actually thought this might turn out to be good.

Still, it came off as warping the movie's actual content in order to enable the joke.

Am I the only one who was a little pissed off by how condescending to Finding Nemo this article is? I mean, I get that it's supposed to be humorous, but still, I think one of the most uniformly acclaimed road movies of our time deserves a little more respect than being associated with "adorable sea creatures" as if it

Yes, but only because she was not the largest one. Otherwise, nothing guarantees she wouldn't have eaten the others.

I don't know. Dennis vs. Wesley is a difficult debate because one is Liz falling back on her awful old habits and the other is Liz admitting that she's forever condemned to mediocrity. I can understand each person thinking one of them would be better for Liz based on the way they see the world. I'd still rank Wesley

You're joking, right? (Seriously, I can't tell if you're joking.) I mean, Wesley is bland and annoying but at least he and Liz understand each other's misery. Dennis is just completely destructive and selfish.