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    Ugh - Season 4 was such an unpleasant, dour mess … I think of S4 like I think of Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull, in that I try to forget it exists, and focus rather on the peerless first three installments.

    Christ, I'm old … I pretty much only understand "Joe Dirt" and "David Spade" in this article …

    Is this what we think of, when we think of the Irish?

    Aren't they the same people who put fixing schools, improving their local economy, getting healthcare, and repairing infrastructure in their community lower on the priority list than where people go to the bathroom and who they marry?

    He looked like he was pretty engaged in The Force Awakens … maybe the trick is to just get him to revisit all of his former iconic roles … oh wait, that didn;t work out too well a few years back …

    I'd love a series about the adventures of Syrio, from S1.

    Actually, I think Viva is their masterpiece, with Rush being a very good precursor. And hell, I'll go to bat for Ghost Stories, too. "Coolness" be damned.

    That whole sentence screams "1990s!!!" That, and refusing to play your hit song[s] live.

    Pshhh … I used to like you guys, but then nobody started listening to you …

    Hot Take: In Rainbows, even more than OK Computer, is their masterpiece.

    The last bit is just a jump from 1997 to the number 600, right?

    Then Drama and Turtle walk in, toss them both Bud Lights, they high five, and look out over LA from the balcony of their Hollywood Hills home.

    As a Yankee fan, I sure do love all of the 8:00 first pitches on worknight Sundays!

    Ah, yes, because "seeking public comment," and then reacting accordingly, has really seemed to influence the powers that be so far. Whatever happened to that Betsey DeVos character?

    Isn't it true, though, that when Edward Norton first punches Brad Pitt ("I want you to hit me as hard as you can"), he really did punch him, missed, hit him in the ear, and Brad Pitt's reaction was legit and ad libbed ("You hit me in the fucking ear!")?

    Eh, I'll wait for the "The Day the Crown Cried" fest …

    Can we get the original Robert the Bruce from Braveheart in on this? He's been doing great work in near obscurity on AMC's TURN …

    I'd say a good bit of Season 2 is rough, too. The day Adam Scott and Rob Lowe showed up in Pawnee (late in S2) was the day that that show began a classic run.

    … but they know how to tune in AM radio. I'll be shocked if he isn't on with Rush and Mark Levin by the end of the year.

    … I'll believe he's paid a consequence if in 5 years, were asking, "Whatever happened to …" The cynic in me says this podcast turns to a radio job, and he's the next Rush or Mark Levin, with an added $25 mil in the bank.