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    As I wrote in my comment, I don't think the point of that anecdote was that Tweedy was some sort of iconoclast for claiming to like Jet. I think the point was the unnecessary slagging on them, which seems to be what a lot of people here have a problem with. Unfortunately, there's no accounting for taste, which is why

    This always, always, always reminds me an anecdote from a Chuck Klosterman book. He was interviewing Jeff Tweedy years ago, and Klosterman made some crack about the band Jet. Supposedly, Tweedy turned to him and asked, unironically, something to effect of "Don't you like rock music?

    Oh dear god … this was on Deadspin a few weeks ago … my trypophobia over this just calmed down, and now I'm a'tinglin' again … ugh …

    FINISH HIM [Capt. Kano removes passenger's heart].

    You said it! I hate this column … it really seems to anathema to everything else that makes the AV Club such a great pop-culture site. I come to the AV Club because its refreshingly open minded about a lot of pop culture, and tries to elevate itself above the default snark/snobbishness/elitism of similar pop culture

    They weren't all happy days …

    You're assuming that his followers are interested in facts, or any sort of semi-reputable news source that will carry this story?

    So, Hollywood really is like every episode of Entourage, I guess?

    … which is why the end of Cheers is pretty much the pitch-perfect ending to a sitcom.

    Not that Marvel needs any more of our money, but might I suggest a Marvel Unlimited subscription? I'm not a huge fan of digital subscriptions (I prefer my books and magazines to be paper), but this is an exception - you get access to pretty much everything Marvel has published ever for $10 a month. The site is really

    "Just make us look cool …" I love that line, and I love that movie.

    "'the fuck is Grimace doing in this movie?"

    … and sitting in those ridiculous Yankee Stadium seats.

    If only he had used his powers of creativity and his force of personality that he employed as Heisenberg in the classroom! Of course, that probably would have made for a less exciting TV show …

    They've handles every appearance of BB's characters masterfully so far …

    Yep; this is what I think people sometimes miss about the majestic Breaking Bad. It's NOT a parable about how anyone can "break bad"; it's more a warning to everyone else that certain people have the "bad" inherently in them, and while most keep it at bay, or never even have the opportunity to indulge it, Walt had a

    Wow, thanks for looking thru the archives!

    Uh, what the fuck is Daredevil wearing on his head? He's the only one clinging to the "secret identity" I guess? Hopefully elements of "Born Again" make their way into a season of DD eventually …

    I'll agree with this summation. Season 2 was a masterpiece; the last few episodes are dazzlingly. Maybe quit while you're ahead?

    Yeah, I have to believe this … its 30% who believe in him 100%. Listened this morning on NPR (while I still can …) to a report from a Trump rally in Nashville … I must have heard "I trust him [Trump] 10 times during the course of several interviews. These people are akin to cultists.