"Listen, I'm going to paint it for you …" I'm all set after that backwards-baseball cap Affliction-TShirt of an opening sentence …
"Listen, I'm going to paint it for you …" I'm all set after that backwards-baseball cap Affliction-TShirt of an opening sentence …
…not to mention the cost of the security details on his wife and kids. The fact that this hypocrisy is lost on his out-of-work factory worker constituents is so galling.
I think a fascinating running column on a newsite would be to cross reference what "news" segment and/or article was running on FoxNews and on Breitbart at the times that Trump Tweets, and corroborate what he "just found out."
I think a fascinating running column on a newsite would be to cross reference what "news" segment and/or article was running on FoxNews and on Breitbart at the times that Trump Tweets, and corroborate what he "just found out."
Hate to ask a dumb question … but was Issue #117 of the Uncanny XMen, from 1979, "the end" of Professor X and the XMen?
Agreed. I wish that they had just trusted the music and their fans, and just let the album and the tour speak for itself, instead of the embarrassing iTunes stunt.
Yes. Yes Yes. All of this.
Uh, you saw who they voted for for president, right?
Sadly, that was my thought as well. I'm sure they probably consider these Town Hall meetings the price of doing business. Until I see these assholes getting it full barreled from their fellow Republicans, Democrats, or voters when re-election, I'll get excited.
Beautiful … congrats for a long overdue calling of the emperor's new clothes …
Wow, really? I lover, as well as Ryan Adam … I've got some completist work to do, I guess …
Agreed. Supposedly a new album is imminent.
Yeah, I'm a sucker for pretty much anything she releases, as well as her whole 60's California Dreamin' Nancy Sinatra-aesthetic she cultivates.
From everything I've read about her, and interviews with her, she seems remarkably grounded, and put together.
The outrage over this just seems to be a tempest in a teapot … this was an impromptu run-in, and Bono thanked Pence for, as …and Fred Kelly pointed out, helping out with his cause. He's similarly thanked, over the years, people like George W. Bush and even, notoriously, Jesse Helms, for helping him. The false…
Such a great opening. Crime Story and Wiseguy are two very good series that were decades ahead of their time. Imagine if they were conceived of today as a basic cable prestige series?
I will miss the "While he was taking a few hours filling out his bracket, he could have [insert straw-man national or world problem that could not possibly be fixed within a few years, much less hours]" comments that inevitably followed President Obama's yearly ESPN appearance.
Especially those that are up for re-election in two years, and hail from states with a constituency that voted for Trump …
Er, ah, I am no longer illiterate …
Someday we can explain to our grandchildren that we allowed a "YouTube personality" to be a thing …