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    “Tonight I cried,” he continued, “because it’s never the end. This human species, we are so intelligent, we do such astonishing things. We can fly to the moon, but we still do stupid things.”

    In more recent runs, Medusa and Black Bolt are separated, Black Bolt runs a night club called The Quiet Room, and Medusa is dating the Human Torch … hopefully ABC finds a place for Inhumans during its daytime soap programming.

    Yeah - I think this reflected an earlier plan for a much bigger role for the Inhumans in the MCU, to circumvent their XMen-shaped hole …

    Yeah, I love all the goofy, Silver-Age Superman stuff - Krypto the Dog, the Bottled City, etc.

    Not determined yet … but seeing as New Jersey is part of WFAN's core audience, I'd say the chances aren't good.

    He's the type of fan that thinks Born in the USA is a comparable to a Toby Keith album …

    Yeah, remember when he was essentially vilified for accepting help for his storm-tossed state, from the President of the United States?!! He also probably lost points from that base by acknowledging that the climate played some role in the storm damage …

    … don't forget "Gets rich[er] while you don't …"

    That's how a man who has probably never driven himself anywhere in his life thinks people drive, I guess …

    Of course not, as long as strawmen "they" ("They won't give him a chance to get anything done!" )and the media are scapegoats for the gullible morons who still support this asshole …

    This is the young-Chebacca-furry-fan-fic I never knew I wanted …

    I'm looking forward to two years worth of stories on the AV Club of all the crazy shit he did onset to get himself in the mindset of this character …

    Regarding Henry better watch his back …

    Yeah … that seemed like a pretty spoilerish [maybe?] thing to just casually drop into this description.

    "[T]he internet only seems vaguely aware …" has that ever been uttered before on the AV Club? Isn't the internet's sole purpose to keep pop culture ephemera alive forever?

    Same here. Not ashamed to say that I like a lot of latter-day NIN. Loved The Slip, liked With Teeth, Year Zero and Hesitation Marks. I also really like the soundtrack work, and Ghosts.

    Adebisi lives!

    Vikings is the one and only worthwhile thing on that channel anymore.

    Great news! Still one of my favorite old DC stories. This and "For the Man Who Has Everything."