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    Exactly. I'm so tired of hearing about Sen. McCain or some other GOP senator mildly censuring the president's awful behavior.

    Well, it does help that Marvel continually get really good actors for these parts. Marvels giant action spectacles will always tower over other such franchises because the actors give each of their parts such heart.

    Great point. Each casting announcement from Marvel or Star Wars usually elicits an "Of course!" or "Really? Cool!" from me. DC's properties, the film ones at least, rarely do that …

    U Talkin' U2 to Me the notable exception, of course …

    Its so good. That and Brooklyn should always be shown as a twin bill; two perspectives of the Irish-American experience.

    Just watched Brooklyn a few weeks ago. It really is a testament to the immense charm of the actors, and the obvious love that was put into every frame of that film. UNlike a lot of the films on this list, Brooklyn isn't dark or disillusioning, yet it is still wonderfully good.

    Educated, thoughtful, fair, erudite Jewish guy … yes, that should play well nationally …

    I never finished it, either. The tone was far too sad and bitter for my taste, and the plotting was jarring … it's the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull to the peerless prior three go-arounds of AD.

    I may be biased here (he represents my state), but Chris Murphy seems to be the only Congressman reacting to all of this with the appropriate demeanor- incredulous, righteous, barely-contained contempt for the parade of clowns in front of him.

    I wouldn't! Seeds and 9 Types of Light are both good solid albums, with few clunkers.

    I'd say two albums and then the drop off … that seemed to be the hallmark of so many of the early '00s rock revival/dance rock bands (The White Stripes excluded, of course).

    This show is coming to my local theater - might have to check it out.

    Maybe not the place for this, but … people give Bono shit all the time for his "do-gooding," but he apparently really takes the time to learn the admittedly boring minutiae of the issues he argues, and meets with all kinds of "unglamorous" but real people to try to get incremental yet real-world change worked out.

    … or the B Street Band, for that matter?

    That's a pretty good summation of The Village. I like it, but only because it looks so damn beautiful, and the performances are quietly affecting … except, of course, Adrien Brody's ridiculousness.

    … which makes me give him about three months before he either resigns in disgust or is arrested for living up to his nickname in the Oval Office.

    Anyone who thinks that Trump is going to spend any more than the absolute bare minimum amount of time at the White House is deluding themselves. He'll be "running" things from Trump Tower and/or Florida …

    Read up on Andrew Jackson's inauguration party …

    DD S 1 & 2, and Jessica Jones all seem to be great 8 - 10 episode stories stretched to 12 - 13 episodes, thus diluting the quality a bit.