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    Didn't they, or at least one of them, stop smoking in a recent episode? I thought I saw that as one of the "plotlines" of a recent episode on Simpsons World …

    Just 5?! Larry Sanders is the rarest of rare shows, that, like Mad Men, every single moment of every episode is just perfect.

    … which is why we're once again at the Clerks trough. I love that movie, but is there anything left to mine from it by now? Sequels, animation, comic books, endless podcast discussion … we got it, I think.

    I'm sure it has been said already somewhere in these comments, but shit like this, and Colbert's sadly innocuous run, just make me realize that I miss Letterman more than I think a lot of realized we would.

    Yeah … that headline seems a bit unfair. Am I missing something - is Cruise personally liable here? Is he one of the producers at fault?

    And in numerous interviews, including the Rolling Stone one linked in this review, he always gives lip service to wanting to put his talents to better use, whether that be better movies or new stand up (this interview from the Delirious reissue is both interesting and hilarious https://youtu.be/-RuDYVX3PCQ; his short

    Tellingly, though, I am really looking forward to a number of TV shows returning this fall, Luke Cage and Westworld and Narcos S2 among them.

    … and tell me which ones don't look like schmaltzy messes, unnecessary retreads, or shitty horror movies. I agree - these all look bad to awful.

    Do you "need" R.E.M.'s Collapse Into Now? No, of course not … but that and Accelerate go a long way to cleansing the palette after Around the Sun, Reveal and Up. Most band should be so lucky to go out on such a very good record as Collapse Into Now.

    I really hope a juicy book about all of the years of build-up and behind-the-scenes drama comes of this, ala Song of Spider-Man.

    This and the Singles soundtrack pretty much never left my cars tape deck when I was a teen.

    Hopefully SS2 options the classic "matchstick vs. seagull" storyline …

    Housewives and little girls everywhere applaud this column …

    Still my favorite film, but I enjoy it now only as a film, not a life philosophy.

    This bit is hilarious, as usual, but I think the best Garry Marshall visit is from 2011, the "Suicide is Painless" episode of Bang Bang. Its Garry Marshall and Jon Hamm - priceless.

    "Hey man, the things you own … they actually OWN YOU!" - 22-year-old me, insufferably

    Please … [sniff] … call him Garry … [sniff]

    I thought Bale and Crowe were both understated and quite good, which made Foster's character even more electric and scary.

    This looks pretty damn good … glad to see Ben Foster in something. I think he's terrific; wish he was more prolific.

    I agree; the cast more than makes up for the plot.