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    That and Gatsby are my two favorite American novels … I love that book so.

    They still managed to rip out Heart in a Cage, though … I consider that the last great Strokes song.

    Interview with them, and stories about them, seem to indicate that. Bandmembers who hate to be in a band with each other - most of First Impressions, and all of Angles and Comedown Machine sound like it.

    Evans and RDJr really are the essential distillation of these characters, rather than whatever identity swapping, canon-disrupting nonsense come out in these endless ret-cons/reboots.

    "Batman & Robin is an underrated gem …"

    "He slides around the game’s Martian arenas as if he were in socks and the whole planet is one big kitchen floor."

    I am a Hulk. Hath not a Hulk eyes? hath not a Hulk hands, organs,
    dimensions, senses, affections, passions? fed with
    the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject
    to the same diseases, healed by the same means,
    warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as
    an Asgardian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed?
    if you

    Just saw Civil War this weekend; I feel like it is the distillation of any lesson that could be learned from all of the previous films (all of which I like). Its human heart shows through throughout the film.

    Hey, those first two albums are some big loud dumb rock.

    People that know how to drink usually hang out at dive bars. College kids and meatheads who are just looking to get tanked are usually at the sports/chain bars.

    Every aspect of this looks like it was designed by a sullen 17-year-old who thinks he was the first guy ever in school to discover Howard Zinn …

    Agreed. His interview with Jack White was particularly good, as both are good conversationalists.

    I really liked Snyder's Late Late Show. I miss that old-school, middle of the night "cozy" conversation show; Night After Night with Allen Havey had that, too. Seth Myers, I think, comes closest of the current crop of late night hosts, but really, they all are cut from the same cloth (sadly, so is Colbert; I wish he

    Man, I'd love a good, nasty Screwtape Letters adaptation.

    Show your work in coming up with that response …

    Despite being flawed, uneven, and not enough enough stories and plotlines to fill its seasons, I still loved Sons of Anarchy.

    Man, this trailer really blows a fun surprise cameo … The Zombieland trailers managed to keep Murray a secret until you saw the film.

    … or gives him a hot meal, and maybe a few bucks for liquor?

    Shit, I should probably get out of this line at Strawberries then, huh?

    This seemingly new KoL backlash is mystifying to me. That album is a tight collection of grooving, moody, more-accessible-for-Radiohead songs. And the singles and other songs that came out around it (Daily Mail, etc.) along with the remix album, are all good music.