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    Heaven is Whenever is pretty rough … Teeth Dreams was a nice bounceback.

    … and the seemingly now-maligned King of Limbs (which I love) is their groovy "dance" record.

    Yeah - I feel like In Rainbows is their "back to rock … sort of …" record. Might be my favorite.

    This and the one where he is in the tunnel … solid early 90s Stallone action movies.

    Not their best, but still pretty damn good. I like that its a bit more accessible … its got a groove that is not always the most present aspect of Radiohead songs.

    Agreed - I still listen to this album occasionally, but when I do, it really evokes that that early 2000s, in my early 20s feel …

    Losing talent? No, the only lost Bayless, Cowherd and Schilling (Simmons' talent is essentially getting all kinds of good writers to work for him).

    [Long pause] … there's got to be a better way to say that.

    Glad you mentioned the O'Niell/Adams stuff … I don't like the revisionist idea that Batman was all jokey and corny up until The Dark Knight Returns. I think Batman in the 70s had its share of darker, grimmer, more serious Batman stories.

    I do like this book. It's beautiful writing and refreshing lack of "THIS ALL HAPPENED TO ME YET I SURVIVED!" tone that permeates many similar memoirs make it a better example of this genre.

    He references this idea a number of times in his excellent "Comedians in Cars …" show, as well.

    The interview between him and Byron Allen that accompanied the recent reissue of Delirious is very interesting, as well as pretty hilarious (its on YouTube in 4 parts). He does comment on that idea.

    "SyFy really wants its own Gotham" … Really? They aren't fully stocked with terrible series already?

    That clip is from a really great Justice League adaptation of my all-time favorite Superman story, For the Man Who Has Everything. That, All-Star Superman, and Red Son are my go-tos as examples to counter the argument that writers can't tell a great Superman story.

    And yet, with an infinite sea of cable and streaming options, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay can't find a way onto TV as a mini-series. I mean, you've got Adrien Brody, who was born to play Josef Kavalier, just sitting at home, presumably …

    I teach the book every year … Faber tell Guy that reading stopped long before the firemen became necessary. People just stopped reading. The firemen became more enforcers of the status quo.

    Well, yes … but he does more than just sings the songs. If you look at what he writes about, who he takes meetings with, who listens to him, and what he has helped to accomplish in the way of humanitarian work, it's fairly impressive, and reflects a man who does his policy homework and listens to opposing viewpoints

    I love that we live in a world where Paul Rudd is part of the MCU …

    True … but it seems as if this movie has been in the can for years … trailers taken from the completed film seem to have been around for a year or so, and the actors were given interviews about the film last summer … It seems like the idea of a Suicide Squad movie has been around for years without there actually being