Didn't Mac's trainer also have a backstory of a career lost to alcoholism or something? I remember it being a bit dark for mid-80s NES game lore …
Didn't Mac's trainer also have a backstory of a career lost to alcoholism or something? I remember it being a bit dark for mid-80s NES game lore …
I find DC's new marketing strategy interesting - film a movie, release it several years later, and just keep releasing commercials, trailers, posters, interviews, etc. during the interim.
All Star Superman is a masterclass in modern Superman stories. The fact that the current comics and films all but eschew this version of Superman is astounding to me.
Discordant, sometimes atonal guitars, rambling talk-music, rambling lyrics … People and sites on the Internet tell me that I'm supposed to love this band, but try as I might, I really just don't get it with this band. They sound awful …
His money grubbing miserableness extended long into his retirement.
Read "A Hero's Life" about Joe DiMaggio and the exceptional "The Last Boy" about Mantle … two baseball and Yankee icons who seem like miserable human beings.
I believe that he had a beer named after his "That's a clown question, bro" statement from a few years ago.
I'm a life-long, diehard, third generation Yankee fan … and I can't stand Gossage. Six of his 22 seasons were spent in pinstripes, yet he's fashioned himself as one of the great Yankee "stewards of the game."
"I got way too into trying to figure out the Cheers work schedule once." Honestly, that doesn't sound like a half-bad way to piss away an afternoon …
Danson's timing on that line, as usual, is laser precise.
I actually own the Cheers official board game, and there's a whole stack of Norm cards, that start off the greeting, and you have to supply the response.
Thank you. Whitey Ford … gets the most attention, mostly because of "what It's Like," but that, Eat at Whiteys and White Trash Beautiful really make a good trilogy, overall. Yes, there's a few dated clunkers, but overall, three solid albums.
Hopefully each song ends with beep-boop-beep-BEEEEEPPPPPPP ….
This is a nation where Donald Trump has a very real chance to become president … why are people shocked that something so craven, empty and soulless as this film is a big, noisy, dumb hit?
Agreed. That film should have been much more focused on him as George Reeves, rather than Adrien Brody's detective story.
Also, the not-so-secret key is their continually brilliant casting. I can't think of one misstep in casting their heroes so far. Kurt Russell has been added to Guardians too, as is a rumored Stallone; Cumberbatch is Doctor Strange; Chad Boseman (who was was so charismatic as Jackie Robinson) is Black Panther …
The trailers for Man of Steel are great examples of perfect trailers for wildly imperfect films. I wanted MoS to be THE Superman movie … it was not …
I might, if inclined, argue that Last Crusade IS the best of the three; it's my favorite.
I can't imagine a bad entry in a film series causing me to rethink my love of the other films. The two muddled, noisy Matrix sequels don't diminish the original 's masterpiece status; all of the Terminator sequels don't taint the first two, in my mind.
Achtung Baby is one of the greatest rock and roll albums, and perhaps the greatest example of band successfully reinventing themselves, ever recorded. I seem to remember a lot of people being interested in the band in during the Zoo TV years …