I would think NFL SuperPro would be number 67 … http://www.recalledcomics.c…
I would think NFL SuperPro would be number 67 … http://www.recalledcomics.c…
People could, y'know, turn out to vote in state, local and midterm elections …
Oh dear god … which PR flack thought it would be a good idea to have Donnie where that Killing Joke shirt? That reminds me of those photos that used to float around of Fred Durst wearing a Smiths shirt.
Yup, me too. I love In Rainbows, and King of Limbs was a very good follow-up. Most of those songs have a great groove.
No complaints about Joe Bernthal, but I agree. That seemed to be his Ryan Reynolds, Deadpool casting request.
Hopefully it's a dope Under Armour or Affliction shirt, with the skull integrated into it.
Well, their cell phones were a lot bigger then, remember …
Ever see Dirty Laundry on YouTube? It's a Tom Jane Punisher story. I think it was part of a Ryan Reynolds-like attempt by Jane to bet himself into a better Punisher movie.
Creed was the most surprisingly enjoyable film of the year; I loved it. It should be the final word on the Rocky series … but apparently no franchise can just end neatly anymore …
So why not just stop, or take a break, rather than "officially" break-up or retire? Tool goes years and years between albums; they don't break-up and reunite.
Did you see Colbert's interview with him last week? Colbert touched on, albeit briefly, these same ideas.
Ugh … vastly underrated band, in my opinion. Anyone who throws STP into the grunge-wannabe pile has not listened to their albums. Core is a rocker, Purple avoided being Core II and showcased much different types of songs; and Tiny Music verges on Beatle-esque pop. Number 4, while a bit muddled, still has some hard…
I do too … yet I have no problem with any of the anti-smoking, clean air rules. That's kind of my point.
That false narrative always reminds me of that line from Usual Suspects, about how the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was getting the world to believe that he doesn't exist …
This is not an original analogy, but one I've seen used several times relating to guns in America -
Yeah … I don't really read the News (and god knows not the Post) often for anything more than its sports section, as it's journalism tends more towards the tabloidish … but that cover is a pretty loud statement.
Penny Dreadful really has an interesting take on the monster character, including adhering the florid speech of the creation he uses in the novel.
Just checking - you are kidding about that last part, right?
Yeah - that Beowulf and Grendel uses a similar premise to the great film, The 12th Warrior - that pockets of Neanderthals somehow survived extinction and co-existed with homo-sapiens into the Dark Ages.
Beowulf and Grendel with Gerard Butler? The one with Grendel as a Neanderthal?