Eh, I'm sure we'll be listening to many of the albums coming out today song for song 20 years from now …
Eh, I'm sure we'll be listening to many of the albums coming out today song for song 20 years from now …
Weezer, Oasis, Interpol, The Strokes - first two albums are awesome classics, and then …
Yeah, Travolta's post Pulp Fiction trajectory is mystifying - he's obviously brilliant in Pulp, and I like those three other films you mentioned. I thought he was good in that lawyer film, too, the one with the environmental issues … but since then, he has all but pissed away any good will built up after those…
Yeah, Curious Incident … is one of my favorite books. The description of the kid journeying via train ride to London to find his mother is as harrowing an adventure as Huck getting down the Mississippi, in my opinion.
120 Minutes, Unplugged, Live & Loud, Amp, Liquid Television, MTV News … the current state of MTV is all the more dismaying when I remember all the good stuff that used to air on this channel …
Love all those bands still. Throw Crystal Method and Oakenfold on there, too.
See, I thought Ganfolfini and Liotta were completely wasted in this film. Liotta's only function was to get robbed, and Gandolfini seemed to be in the film just to deliver pointless monologues.
Which scene, out of curiosity? I just love the scene where Pitt declares something to the effect "We're nighthawks" to Casey Affleck.
Yeah, I wanted Brad Pitt's character to be in a much better movie than Killing them Softly. I thought the politics of the film were really ham-fisted.
I still tune in every Christmas to hear Darlene Love, and to hear Jay Thomas tell the Lone Ranger story, which is always hilarious (he missed this year's show, though).
I thought the book was terrific. The subplot that in 1964, the world does not know of the Holocaust, and the OSS detective slowly stumbles onto the horrible truth, is gripping.
Yup … there's also a scene where one guy literally punches through another guys arm, from the fist up to the shoulder … oh, and then the finaled in the kitchen, which I won't spoil … this movie is all kinds of awesome …
What are you basing that on?
While the quality of the show ebbed as the seasons went by, Rescue Me's opening credits were certainly rousing. C'Mon, C'mon is just an ace song …
The character sketch he creates in "You've Done It Again, Virginia" reads like a short story …
Yeah, I agree. I love their whole catalog, but I gravitate more to their newer stuff these days, which I still find interesting. I'm not 15 and screaming at the world. I'm more interested in how a man my age lives in the world while still remaining true to his music. which is what I think Trent does now.
Thank you. I know it the de rigueur to assume they are in their 40s, and ergo must suck, but I saw Soundgarden this past spring, and I have to admit that I was happily surprised at how loud, heavy and awesome they sounded.
They have. I've seen speculation that NK shot it down with a missile test.
Well, one of the Interweb's persistent Mad Men rumors, is that Mad Men is going to end with the revelation that Don Draper becomes DB Cooper. The new, TWA airline-centric promo photos have only fueled this rumor.
No mention of DB Cooper? I tend to think of him as one of America's more famous vanishings.