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    Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing. Kenny Rogers is no one but my mother's idea of cool, so he can't reissue his album on vinyl, but bands who crapped out after two albums can release super-deluxe extended reissues on their 10th anniversary, reminding people that they used to exist? Smacks a little bit of elitism, in

    Naw … I'm guessing that he Googled "'Edgy' Writer Whom I Think Would Make ME Sound Edgy, Even Though No One Has Thought He is Edgy in 20 Years" and Ellis is the first name that came up. Then he high-fived his computer, called his bros, and pounded a Red Bull.

    Really? What fascinates you about those roasts? The D-list celebrities making fun of the D-list celebrities?

    Yeah, this guy … I don't get this guy.

    Yup - it definitely represents the darker elements of the other Oz books moreso than this toy-commercial of a movie seems to …

    Any chance a future Gateway to Geekery column might focus on the Oz books? It seems that when magical, mythological worlds are discussed (Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, etc.) the world of Oz is underrepresented. Those Baum books are so wonderfully weird.

    King of Kong is great because it is about two guys I really couldn't give a shit about - grown-ass men playing competitive Donkey Kong - and made what I consider a thrilling movie about them.

    Agreed. Despite what the "Ooooh, 1994 me really cares about this" contingent might say, I think Trent has stayed fairly relevant, and has embraced new trends and tech to make interesting music, while also staying true to his core aesthetic, as well as not embarrassing himself. I really like his last three NIN albums,

    The whole scene of the argument between him and Ed Burns, and then Hanks' speech about getting home, is just terrific. Glad to hear this guy seems to have gotten his life back together.

    He is always on the top of my list of "Why isn't he on TV or in a new movie?" He really is tops.

    Ah … the only bright spot in the depression-fest of 21 Grams …

    Uh, Jon Stewart and his staff accomplish some pretty great journalism in their "four-days-a-week, 42-weeks-a-year grind" …

    I had heard a rumor/urban legend that after Zach left, but before Chris Cornell joined the band (and I liked Audioslave, despite the haters), Chuck D was supposed to join the band. Chuck D + Rage would have been epic, I think …

    I can't let you take the boy's tour bus …

    Yeah, The Slip is my favorite of his post-Fragile stuff.

    Absolutely - I think they took their time, got back together in a somewhat organic fashion, tested out the waters on tour again, and ended up making a very, very good album … hell, I'll put King Animal ahead of Down of the Upside, and I like DOTUS.

    I know it doesn't seem to be the cool thing to do in some parts these days, but I really like what Trent and NIN has been doing over the past decade or so … Year Zero, Ghosts, With Teeth, and The Slip. I also like the soundtrack stuff.

    She must have fell in love with him while viewing one of the Chipmunks movies, I suspect …

    How many days after this film is released will be on a podcast, shitting all over this movie and talking about how he just did it to get a check, because he's so cool?

    While I'm always so hesitant when it comes to these reunions … that 2007 show is excellent, and makes me think a 2014 Led Zep tour would be great. Besides sounding so, so much better than I thought they would, the band made the smart move of acting like 50-year-olds, and not trying to recapture 1976 … damn, does