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    Yup, I love Go. It pulled off that "one crazy night" plot very well, as well as the multiple timelines, much better than many similar post-Pulp Fiction films.

    Seriously - I love the fact that he isn't promoting anything, isn't in any new movie … he just did this 'cause it's kinda funny.

    First Impressions of Earth was where the wheels started coming off, in my opinion, but even still, You Only Live Once, Juicebox, Heart in a Cage, and Electricityscape are all pretty good songs …

    Is that acknowledged, or did NBC just blindly rip off the premise, hoping no one would notice?

    I agree - I think she's very funny.  think she's always good in whatever she shows up in. The wife and I really liked this show …

    Haven't books been written on Solo's younger days? I thought that he was a young Imperial pilot from Coruscant 's streets, but quit or was kicked out of the Empire's fleet over the enslavement of Chewbacca. Did I dream this in my fan fiction, or what?

    Haven't books been written on Solo's younger days? I thought that he was a young Imperial pilot from Coruscant 's streets, but quit or was kicked out of the Empire's fleet over the enslavement of Chewbacca. Did I dream this in my fan fiction, or what?

    Funny you should say that … I was at a library sale recently, and there was a whole slew of Star Wars trade novels there. I was going to pick up a bunch, but then didn't, since I don't know much about them beyond the Timothy Zahn books. Does anyone have anything to say about the quality of any of these? I couldn't

    I thought I heard something about another band coming off a 22-year indefinite hiatus this week who is just a bit better than Fall Out Boy …

    It is mind-boggling to me when I watch Mad Men or an older movie like Oceans, or even when I talk to my mom about the hey-day of Pan-Am, that air travel was ever anything more than a cluster-fuck nightmare. Air-travel practically defines "necessary modern evil" in my book; the fact that it was once comfortable 

    My father met Frank Agabnale once. My dad was a payroll manager for his most of his career, and he attended a conference about counterfeit paychecks  and the like, where Abagnale was a speaker.

    Exactly. THAT is what infuriates "diehards" - the fact that Lucas keeps fucking with the original trilogy, and then eradicates copies of the originals, as if to say to fans "See, what you liked before was wrong, so I fixed it." The choice is taken away.

    Agreed. I'm not a big fan of asking bands to break-up. Why should they have to? Who gets to decide who is cool enough to continue on, and who is now "embarrassing" themselves? I thought REM's last album was pretty damn good; I love the new Soundgarden album, and Pearl Jam's last album. I saw U2 a summer ago, and they

    Is this book even out yet? I checked Amazon, and there's no trace of it (feel free to work in your Manti Te'O jokes here).

    New Miserable Experience is a great album full of well-written songs, and I don;t care who knows it …

    Minnesota to California, huh? If only Carl Weathers would run for president …

    Watch the ESPN 30 for 30 "Jordan Rides the Bus" for an excellent re-evaluation of Jordan's baseball career.

    And I seem to remember him being on the cover of Time with Michael Bloomberg as part of a laudatory cover story about "politicians who get things done" or some such … Then he banged the help …

    … or write a book about how you can't write books anymore … apparently that works, too.

    Yeah, I remember what a big deal everyone made out of the fact that he cut up his feet on the broken glass …