Nope, never heard of 'em.
Nope, never heard of 'em.
No mention of CJ
without pants??
Read this book
This book is really amazing, I couldn't recommend it more highly. I suppose it's true that it ends up dealing with everything rarely briefly, but it really doesn't feel like the author is leaving out important informaiton. He's just economical in his descriptions. I've never highlighted so many…
I laughed Stramge_Bundle. Squee as a question reminds me of the time Homer volunteered to clean the basement and everyone else readily agreed. His tenative "Doh?" makes me crack up every damn time.
I could be wrong, but that sure sounds like O'Neal himself, not an intern. That mother fucker is a funny mother fucker.
I've only seen the season once, and I'm also pretty dim. Could you just go ahead and spoil it with the appropriate warnings? Here, I'll do it for you.
Yeah, I was all ready for some Douglas Adams after that line.
Please somebody tell me that they have no fucking clue as to what this thread is saying or about. I think my brain is dying.
Wait, since when is DSL not broadband. I admit that Cable is generally faster, but DSL is mostly equivalent and certainly isn't comparable to Dial-up.
Wasn't it the guy who plays Jesus in Mr Deity?
Is that you Mr. Rushdie?
Wait, why is there a definition of palimpsest in the middle of this discussion?
To be fair, it's pretty good child porn.
Most modern scholars say that the John of the Gospel and John of Patmos (the writer of Revelation) are not the same. However, the traditional view is that they are the same. The wikipedia article on Revelation discusses authorship nicely.
It's actually exceedingly unclear that the Mayan calendar rolls over to zero in Dec 2012 anyway (not that it would mean anything if it did). The famous 2012 date is based on an assumption that there are only 13 b'aktuns (each b'aktun=roughly 365 years) in the cycle, but every indication suggests that there are…
Yeah, but you gotta admit, that's some pretty damn good news.
Actually, if I remember correctly, Toby as much as admits he's being disingenuous in the scene. He seems to admit this because he's in shock that he actually convinced somebody.
Jesus, now even "Stray Observations" has been elevated to a place of honor?
But Shipoopi wasn't written by the Family Guy people, that's from "Music Man"
Yeah, that's from _Lullaby_. Of course, the fact may have been explicated elsewhere as well.