
Is there a legal way to do this that I haven't discovered, or will I have to resort to torrents?

Yeah, he's still cataloging everything as Halos. This is Halo 28. For those of us that really like occasional noise freakouts, Year Zero might be the best album of the discography. There are some moments where I swear you can hear the death screams of an old-school Nintendo.

Noel- This was an amazing good time.  I've been reading the AV Club since virtually it's inception, and haven't enjoyed any feature as much as your Buffy write-ups.  I don't know why I read the first couple since I hadn't even seen the show, but they sufficiently intrigued me to get me to fire it up on Netflix, and I

No way, @avclub-4ce000edd5012969a87a83d06ea8f914:disqus's been around forever.  I think they just came out of retirement in response to the possibilities of edited firsties.

@avclub-6f518c31f6baa365f55c38d11cc349d1:disqus , it's funny you mention the temperance movement, because I'm currently reading a book about it.  It turns out that indeed there was a strong progressive element to the "dry" cause, but the movement spanned so many different constituencies that it can't be pigeonholed at

That's a more major plot development, but that guy is the SPOILER the point at which an incorporeal Big Bad gains physical menace to back up the psychological.

Well, the incorporeality seems to feed absolutely into the metaphor here.  This type of evil is precisely that: insubstantial and ephemeral every time you try to fully confront it.

I think a pretty strong argument can be made that you absolutely are supposed to see a connection between Buffy and Co's leadership style and the work of the first, but MILD SPOILER it becomes more obvious in a few more episodes.

@K Thrace



I like the idea of projecting homophobia in order to cover up your homophobia, but I don't think that's quite how it works.

Wrong samples
It's worth noting that the MP3 samples you can listen to on the right of the review are from their previous album, not the one being reviewed. That's kind of annoying, but it appears to be because the new album isn't available on Amazon in MP3 form.

@Phodreaw- Would you mind giving a spoiler-y hint about what you're talking about?

"Willow spends some time looking at the window where the bullet came through and killed Tara. Another way in which this episode is about sharing spaces with non-entities."

Maybe you're thinking about the fact that both season 2 and 3 ended with most of the group standing in roughly the same location in front of the school, contemplating events and the uncertainty of the future? Though that kind of covers the ending of lots of seasons.




So obviously we can disagree about whether the subversion was interesting or not, that's just subjective. But we can still agree that it definitely subverted the trope, right? I mean, unless The Brady Bunch did a bunch of episodes in which we discovered that Cousin Oliver in fact WAS an outside imposition on an