
Which happens to be why I liked the ending (yup I'm that one person)…they didn't go for the easy and obvious solution. I don't really care if we met the mother just to have her die real quick - I never watched for the mother, I watched because it was a fun ride.

Sounds like you're saying there's no true happy pill guaranteed to make all your anxieties go away. And that makes me sad(der).

Zoloft: Good? Bad? Effective? Worthless? WHICH IS IT?

Its name was Colin.

Yet I and (I would imagine) most others in the adult swim demographic don't have shit else to do or watch on a Monday night, so it could be a good move.

Now put it out on Fridays and it'll actually make sense again.

Him yelling "Eat a dick!" to Guy Young really did it for me this time. The way he catches you off guard yelling absurd shit is really one of the great things about this show.

I think a final "challenge accepted" episode has gotta be coming up soon. Also he fit in to the Indiana Jones role amazingly well. Shocker huh.

That was one of the best DLMs in a while I thought. Greg Proops was as on as I've ever heard him. His New Yorkers living in San Francisco from Blue Valentine riff had me dying.

Also don't even bother getting information from me after your first question "what are you" doesn't work. Just leave a lot of long silences and look at each other instead cause you're obviously not curious at all as to what the fuck is going on.

It was a lot more convincing in another (better) King work, The Mist. When faced with something unknown and terrifying the townspeople grasp at anything and listen to someone who says they have the answers even as the answers get crazier and crazier as they go along. You almost believe such hysteria could take place.

I felt the same way, and I blame Doug for that. I don't recall what else Doug brought up that Stanton said he couldn't remember, but I know it was inconsequential compared to, say, Cool Hand Luke, which he had plenty to say about. I'm sure Doug would do it differently if he knew what would happen, but this time he

Lisa Lampanelli is a great roast comic I don't care what any of y'all say. There were no real roast comics on this one except Jeff Ross and Sarah Silverman - people who can keep the insults and raunchiness coming hilariously without ever slowing down or trying "bits". The show was enjoyable for sure, but non-roast

"My definition of fame will be when I never have to see Nick Kroll again." One of my favorite moments from Aziz.

I think not remembering a deleted scene you were in 30 years ago from a Cheech and Chong movie is called selective memory not necessarily memory loss.

Exactly. Fascinating moments about Matt and the band's intense songwriting process, followed by such profound questions from Chris as "So, Mumford and Sons, they got big quick, huh?"

This was possibly my favorite Professor Blastoff ever. Tig and Kyle straight up kill it for almost 2 hours. That is all.

Anyone else's last name Miller and super creeped out by this movie and the new show with Will Arnett, "The Millers"? When did people decide Miller was a hilarious last name? Cause my family is pretty damn far from screwball.

HARMONTOWN. Listen to this week's episode, ye nonbelievers. They bring out Kumail and Erin early and the D&D at the end is a flat-out riot.

There are definitely recurring jokes and callbacks, but they're weirder and not as ROFL-inducing as MATES's are. Still a pretty fun show to listen to though.