
Matt Mira talked probably once on today's George RR Martin episode. Also, they spent the first 45 minutes talking about Comic-con, the twilight zone, and the Beauty and the Beast tv show. So, you know, they really dug into all the things we love George RR Martin for.

Matt Mira is god damned hilarious and him and Jonah, Chris and even Doug have great chemistry. Him criticizing Leonard's ratings and quoting obscure Jurassic Park was the only thing worth listening to on this episode.

After such a wild season I think it would've been easy and justified for them to just coast through the finale (looking at you, Game of Thrones) but instead they ratcheted up the tension and intrigue and the hilarity followed naturally. It's an A episode in my book.

The live You Made it Weird was easily the best thing Pete Holmes was involved with this week. Such hilarious and dirty stories from the comics - getting milked by a doctor after finding out you have a brain tumor, getting pervily hit on by David Allan Grier, putting off cancer treatment to go to a Cubs game cause

Kumail and Jeff could have filled up the best quotes section this week.

Agreed. I loved how it just turned into a roast of Jake Fogelnest and his podcast.