
Sure it changes that. Redistricting can alter both the number and affiliation of constituents on state levels which is exactly what Republicans have actively been doing since 2010 and is a primary reason the house is unlikely to swing any time soon despite three consecutive popular votes for Democrats in the White

What do you think gerrymandering is ?

Wikipedia says it's also a mythological tree: When they ate of the lotus tree they would forget their friends and
homes and would lose their desire to return to their native land.

I think it's Corey Hart.

Flown even.


Slate has a really great article from earlier this week on all the excuses the writers have concocted to explain Henry's absence.

That finger-rubbing advice was this season's equivalent to the 'clench your sphincter' tip from last year or the year before. This show will make accomplished liars of us yet.

"I don't want to be seen as supporting a racist, so I'll call Don a liar." Sorry, Grady, that doesn't work anymore. When you support bigotry, narcissism and misogyny, you don't get to talk about legacies or what you'll allow. Enjoy your jingoistic few minutes while they last.

Mike Hunt and Mike Oxlong would win every category.

Indeed - one of the first times I've seen someone's distinct failure or inability to do something classified as a skill or ability. The woman doesn't have a knack or cunning ability to misdirect conversation. She's just incapable of answering something truthfully. We need to stop attributing non-existent talent to

It was good, but does that mean you have to vote for it both times ?

Christmas Vacation is about as classic as the original Vacation, I'd say (if we're allowed to skip over European Vacation).

Part Deux was, IMHO, *better* than the original.

I believe the correct name for that is 'the farmer's blow'.

Even the computer game the kids were playing towards the end was an actual 1983 game. Anybody else remember Lode Runner ?

Jaws 3D. First 3D movie for me and with the red and blue glasses. Things really came out of the screen at you (including a floating arm). I can't imagine it'd be worth seeing anywhere else.

You using the whole fist there, Doc ?

Except that other actresses that have already left were credited for the number of specific number episodes they appeared in.

The actress playing Mary is credited for 10 episodes on IMDB….