
I remember that pasture ! Guy held out for the longest time. Nicest recent addition for me is the Wegmans off 24 ! Klein's will always have a place in my heart, but…..


Definitely ! Now I'm homesick !

There's a group of John Wilkes Booth groupies that call themselves 'Boothies' and devote themselves to all things Booth. As I mentioned above, we have the Booth family silverware, and once a year the Boothies ask if they can use the silverware during their annual JWB birthday celebration. Kind of morbid, but

I'm overseas and only get back at Christmas time, but my step-father has been very involved with the historical society for quite some time. Sounds like we probably know some mutual people (which isn't too weird in a place as small as Harford County).

Harford County representing in the comments section. My parents purchased and later sold that house several decades ago and we somehow ended up with the Booth family silverware. At holidays, we always fought over who got the JWB set of utensils.

Say 'cool' again. Say 'cool' again, I dare you, I double dare you motherf*cker, say 'cool' one more Goddamn time.

Big Sick: 2 Girls 1 Cup

I read somewhere their periods attract bears.

Fuck that Trumpanzee. Fuck him right in the ear.

Oh, I didn't know you knew him personally. I don't, and I don't hate on actors or choose movies because they're assholes or saints. I'm sure there's a good number of assholes on screen. As I said, I think this looks like a good action/adventure film, and whether Cruise is an asshole or crazy couch-jumping nut case

I know it's trendy to hate Tom Cruise and anything he's in, so apologies in advance, but I'm going to break AV ranks and say I'm still gonna see this. Nutty as he is, he's got some good films under his belt lately (Ghost Protocol, Edge of Tomorrow), and I think this looks pretty action-packed. I'm in.

Stranger Things goes to Camp

But then Starman impregnated Karen Allen's character without her knowledge which wasn't creepy or misogynist at all.

Thanks for that; this just makes the show so much cooler knowing that's actually Moscow. Now I'm going to go download that podcast, too.

Dan, you mention green screen at the Lincoln Memorial. I'm more interested in whether the shots of Oleg in Moscow were on location as they definitely did not look green-screened at all. That most definitely looked like Partiarch ponds and last week it looked like he was in front of one of the Stalin skyscrapers as

Hmm, I thought the reason he went up on the roof to burn the evidence was because he realized they weren't going to blackmail him and he suspects Stan probably DID help him.

Well, first of all, he'd have to have hundreds if not thousands of rubles. 60-70 rubles was a month's salary in the 80's and at official rates, it was about 10 dollars. To stay in a NYC hotel or purchase a train ticket would be several years' income at least.

A pinch over $50.

I'm in Russia, too - Moscow though - and I actually know the guy who made the original image (A Cuban national, incidentally). I see it in my Facebook feed regularly as the guy's getting a lot of attention the past few days needless to say (he now lives in Helsinki). It's not something I'd be willing to re-post