
Why would a town so controlled and under heavy surveillance even have a dilapidated cabin where Kate's partner's body was rotting away ?

If they decide to check your lies, don't forget last-season's helpful hint about clenching your sphincter during the lie detector test.

Carter Bays is from Shaker Heights, so more personal knowledge than actual research.

No mention of Steve Martin's fuck-laden speech at the rental-car counter in Planes, Trains, and Automobiles ?  For shame.

I agree with most everything except any drawbacks chalked up to an improvisational style.  I think the actors were going for a more 'reality' style, and they nailed it.  It's testament to their skills that so many people were confused whether this was actually a reality show or not, and those that realized it was

Unfortunately, Putin's the only choice because that's the way he's designed the system.  He's systematically destroyed the chance of any opposition ever gaining any traction or power by raising barriers for Duma entry, number of signatures, etc,etc.