
I saw him open for The National a few years ago, and the bass was mixed super loud. Which was freaking incredible.

Really? Oh man, I'm so sorry you've never had that excitement in your life.

It's kind of hilarious that 'Death of Romance' pops up at the end of Side one. It has to be one of the most hilariously incongruous transition in recorded music history. Leeds' vocals almost seem embarrassed, like he's following up Scott performing the Electrician at an open mic night, and he's just like… uh… okay,

Bowie's a huge fan of Walker. Listen to this wonderful audio of Bowie getting a birthday wish from Walker on his 50th birthday (warning, crappy audio, but it still shines through): https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Oh you're right. I was conflating the write up on page 55, with how the question was actually asked. That write up seems to be combining several parts of the data. Still, I don't think using those numbers as evidence of a larger characteristic of all Muslims worldwide makes much sense considering they're some of the

Just a cursory glance at that paper should reveal a much, much more nuanced picture of Islamic beliefs than either Maher or the Washington Post seems to acknowledge. For instance, the numbers associated with Muslims who favor the death penalty was only asked to people who also favored sharia law as being the law of

For some reason a lot of people seemed disappointed with it, but I thought it was a lot better than The Drift. I feel like The Drift was a bit too up is own asshole. Bish Bosch kind of came out the other side and was better for it.

Yeah, even as a point of reference it doesn't make much sense. Honestly this feels much more like a Scott Walker album than a collaboration (which makes sense given that Walker basically composed the thing for Sunn O)))). But even if it were more of a collaboration, Sunn O))) seem so complimentary to late period

But it's new vinyl releases of old albums that have been digitally remastered to sound like shit.

I think he's being ironic.

Lost Girls is kind of like the porn parody of The Magic Mountain.

That's weird. It's hard to think of Billy Corgan and Swans existing in the same universe.

That's a good point. I'm not sure if that's who he means, but if you told someone in 1994 that the guy who released Loser was still going to be pretty big in 20 years I doubt they'd believe you. Beck has maintained an impressive relavency with seemingly little effort.

I don't think it actually was leftovers, it just didn't seem to have as much vitality as the earlier releases. On the other hand, despite being a huge GYBE fan in the early aughts, I wasn't particularly excited when I heard that they were releasing new material after ten years. I think I kind of grew out of them, so

The initial vinyl pressing came on dark green and brown-red vinyl, and the D side had a black screen print (not an etching) of a tree trunk cross section. It's beautiful and you can't have mine.

Godspeed? Really? 'Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend! sounded like some leftovers. But, for me, Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada is their peak

They're really the most epistemological image format.

"If you've read Barthes, then you'd know that what he meant in Death of the Author is…"

Ladies and gentlemen, John Romero's bitch.

The 'lack of evidence' criticism is a fascinating aspect of critiques of Sarkeesian. I think people say that because they're expecting some sort of journalistic 'evidence' or, oddly, scientific evidence. Which is to say they'd like her to interview the game creators to find out their intentions, or they want her to