
For whatever reason, one of my favorite bits of physical comedy from Colbert, is him descending the stairs demonstrating his 'raw athleticism' in this clip at around 36 second

Steam Sales are so frequent and consistent that it's difficult to get too excited about them right now. That probably also has a lot to do with having way more games in my library than I conceivably have time to play.

I think my reaction to tubgirl was 'Oh god! Wait, why is her vulva blurred out?'

It's like the opposite of fascinating fascism.

Should that sentence have a 'for' in it before the 'whom'? I don't know why I'm so concerned about this, but the sentence seems to be messing with my already shaky grasp on formal grammatical structure.

Okay, so how does it work in the sentence in the letter… is that even a sentence?

From what I understand, the fact that he's a philanderer is pretty much undisputed. The defense of one of the earlier accusations was that the sex was consensual, not that it didn't happen.

I'm not sure if that would really work for Cosby here.

It's a variable.

I'm really curious to know if that green underlined 'whom' is grammatically correct. I've always been fuzzy on how to use 'whom' and the fact Word seems to be upset with it in that screenshot doesn't really do anything to alleviate my confusion.

Also, "See you, Auntie," for a slightly more coded epithet.

And, really, running into the glass ceiling sounds better than aerialing into it on a skateboarding.

The one time I did Karaoke, I picked 'The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine (Anymore)', not realizing that it is a surprisingly difficult song to sing. I mean, the chorus is pretty straightforward belting, but the verses are all over the place and seem to change rhythm on a dime. I totally blew it.

That's interesting, maybe that's why I prefer Joel more, as if he takes a sort of existential perspective on the whole thing.

My gift to anyone who's read this far into the comment section is Globelamp's Star Dust. It's fairly straightforward psychadelic folk record, greatly elevated by some interesting production choices, namely that it sounds like it's being recorded from a transistor radio picking up Sputnik. Anyway, it's fantastic and I

I feel like 'The O'Bambadil Factor' would be the MSNBC of Middle Earth.

Does no one remember the beauty of AudioGalaxy?

In the commentary track for Hell is Other Robots, Cohen, I think, points out that he was explaining the plot of it to someone else and suddenly said to himself, 'We've got the heads of the Beastie Boys singing a song in Robot Hell, how did this show get here so fast?'

Oh, I see. Well, I wouldn't worry too much about the loss of fidelity by running it through a digital receiver. If you want to go full analog in this day and age you're going to end up spending probably thousands of dollars, if not more. Or you could get an old receiver from somewhere for cheap, but then what are you

How much do you want to spend? I've been very happy with my Rega. I have a P1, which, I believe has been supplanted by the RP1. I'm not sure what the difference is. They run about $450 and are very solid no nonsense players. So no nonsense that in order to switch between 33.3 and 45, you actually have to take the