
Is that really a still from a film? It looks like someone just photoshopped the muzzle fire from a video game.

It's good to see that whenever someone brings up a classification system, the library science nerds can't help but self identify by referencing Ranganathan (For the record, I would've done it if you hadn't).

I've seen both and I much prefer the original Insomnia. That might be because I saw it first, but when I watched Nolan's it just seemed off.

Yeah, I'm confused. It doesn't really seem like this is that bad of a vocal performance. It's not Whitney Houston or anything, but it doesn't need to be. It's a perfectly functional performance.

Isn't that a Gertrude Stein poem?

I remember someone mentioning that Microsoft Flight Simulator had to remove the Twin Towers, to which I replied, well, of course, they're not there anymore. Then I felt bad.

I've seen a number of burger places with burgers with peanut butter. Not a lot, but enough for me to wonder what's going on. I've never been brave enough to try it, though I'm sure it's at least palatable. Still, they're usually not advertised as burger with mold-ass peanut butter (or even burger with peanut butter

It also appears that viewers will be treated to another of Family Guy's thinly veiled, self-deprecating (and therefore wildly subversive) metaphors; not to mention protracted, hyper-violent fight scenes. Oh boy, they're sure pulling out all the stops for this one!

I realize it's pretty terrible that I inevitably comment on how attractive she is in any article even remotely about her, but goddamn she's attractive.

I'd say they're great, but I wouldn't say they're fucking great. That's going a little too far.

Wait until you get the ultimate move from the Jade Statues.

He had a deathbed conversion and had Anointing of the Pwned administered.

I don't think there's enough love for 'Prince Johnny'. Of course, 'Prince Johnny' in concert was even better, wherein Ms. Clarke added a five minute angular guitar solo.

Even though I've heard it a hundred times, that crunchy guitar that comes in just before 'entombed in a shrine of zeros and ones' still gets me.

The best they can do is point to the enormous teams of designers, writers, voice-over actors, and music composers, among others, needed to make a modern mega-game—and, on the other end of the spectrum, explain that independently produced video games also exist.

There's probably an argument to be made that the majority of AAA titles are already inadvertently doing that.

Hey, that's Mark Z. Danielewski's method too.

Take Drake's Mandrake.

Probably, though not as much. But, you know, you can find the video for Blurred Lines on the Internet, it's only, like 4 minutes long. It's not like you have to read a Russian novel.