
I moved back up North after a year. We don't have Chick-Fil-A's here so it's not really a problem anymore. I'm totally protesting them, is what I mean.

I moved to the South in the beginning of 2012 and had Chick-Fil-A for the first time in my life. I really rather enjoyed it, and it was seriously everywhere where I lived. This'll be a regular food stuff, I said to myself. Then the owner said something stupid about Gay Marriage and I was like, oooh. Darn.

Who else could narrate these but John Teti? His sultry voice lends credence to the… um… "satire".

They lubed it alot with Discus brand butt lube.

I think Saints Row 2 benefits from being in that sweet spot between taking itself seriously, and making a point that it's not taking itself seriously. True, I'm not sure if I can completely articulate why that is, but it just doesn't feel as pleased with itself as Saints Row 3. It's as if they started out making

I got to that part in Guacamelee where you're climbing up the trees and got very frustrated. Oddly, my favorite part of that game was the copy of Tales from Space : Mutant Blobs Attack that came with it.

I find it hilarious how Wei literally pulls a helmet out of his ass every time he hops on a motorcycle. I'm not really sure why the designers were such sticklers for motorcycle safety, when their protagonist regularly gets into street brawls with several opponents, and literally jumps out of moving vehicles on to

I bet you'd say the same thing about Quvenzhané Wallis.

He was hungry.

I'm not really sure why you think the two are mutually exclusive.

I like that notion of a 'narrative bug': it's probably very roughly analogous to a plot hole but is far more dependent on player agency. It seems related to ludo-narrative dissonance, but it's less of an issue with gameplay butting heads with the narrative as it is with the narrative not taking player agency into

And in the game?

I didn't really mind Mothership Zeta, until a door wouldn't open for me and I was completely fucked.The worst part about that is, because of the mission structure, you can't exactly go back to the main game with any of your loot, I was trapped on a fly saucer with a bunch of idiots running into a wall because the game

I like to think that lex224ification got to 'that' in his sentence, realized that he misspelled 'music', dejectedly said, 'fuck' and then posted it anyway.

He was really interrobanged up.

"It's people like that who make you realize how little you've accomplished. It's a sobering thought, for example, that when Mozart was my age, he had been dead for two years." - Tom Lehrer

Part of the appeal of practical effects, to me comes down to the limitations that are imposed: the longest shots of the AT-ATs are only a couple seconds long. And the first imposing shot, is probably about a second long, no longer than it absolutely needs to be. There's a lot of flashy flying going around (which still

I liked the part at the end of Assasin's Creed 2 (SPOILER'S, obviously) where the Space Gods start talking directly to Desmond through Ezio and Ezio is all like, what the hell is happening who the hell is Desmond? (and speaking of bugfuck nuts, this takes place in a secret underground shiny metal cave beneath the

Oh come on, this deserves so many more upvotes.