
Meine Kraft!

I'll always remember Crash as that movie that confused me a lot because I was unaware of it so when people started talking about it I was like, you mean that movie from the 90s about people fucking wounds?

Let's not forget Abuse. I mean, don't generally because it was pretty awesome.

Just wait.

I think you mean the Alien Romans, otherwise known as the Romuloromans

I haven't watched the whole season, but I think, even in the second episode, this plays out with both Polly and Larry immediately saying, 'but she hates deep dish' when they find out she's in Chicago; whereas, for Piper, it doesn't really matter where she is, she's still in prison (obviously, neverminding the fact

If you don't want coverage of press releases or analysis of the press releases, I'm genuinely confused as to what you want a game site to cover. Do you just want reviews? I mean, I'm sorry, but this is inherent in entertainment coverage, though I'm not really sure why it should be apologized for it… does it really

What's great/awful about Swype is that when it's wrong it's really wrong. It's not like maybe a misplaced letter or anything, it's on a whole other continent. And Swype comes up with some crazy ass esoteric words. You'll try to type carpool, and it'll come out catachresis.

You could fit a good amount of porn on a floppy disc. Oh, jeez, that's a sex pun waiting to happen, isn't it?

There's just the one listserv out of Stanford. You'll have to send them a blank email with subscribe in the subject line and nothing else.

I've never seen these movies, but knowing what I know about archivists as a metadata librarian, I presume Wyle spends most of his time creating inconsistent descriptions in a poorly conceived Access database.

Oh look at Samuel Johnson up in here!

That's strange, I didn't think it had anything to do with Don DeLillo…

Loan Baez was a non-profit payday loan. It went under very quickly and was paved over to put up a parking lot.

Usually I try to be respectful of female musicians and try to privilege their talents over their bodies. I think it's important because the industry tends to be one of the worst offenders in objectifying women: advertising their music through sexual poses. Therefore I want to emphasize that I think Ms. Olsen is an

Maybe it's just because it's the first of theirs that I heard but, to me, Last Rights is by far their best, Download being the peak.

Whenever someone says 'I got a _______' or 'I gotta _______' that immediately pops into my head.

That's perhaps the best description I've ever heard of it. It's kind of a head scratcher of a movie in terms of pacing and content, and it's just fundamentally bizarre, but it's stuck with me, which is certainly something.

Could you at least try to be slightly inventive in your trolling?