
That was my initial reaction, but then I saw that they actually invited him and I was like, Oh, snark nullified.

@avclub-f73c955e2c1f51451a682f5c1ce0e867:disqus Didn't Guattari merge with Deleuze at the beginning of A Thousand Plateaus?

trullyactually :cease to exist

Ah, you must've been in the Modern Dance program.

I don't think we have any right to complain about Heather Graham not getting naked in a movie.

@avclub-4bdef5fb6ba59b1bfe0db68275c452ab:disqus Yeah, the practicalities of linked data in the library world will take a lot of ironing out. Even over here in primarily Cataloging land, where our metadata is already machine readable, getting it to a place that would take full advantage of a linked data environment

@avclub-4bdef5fb6ba59b1bfe0db68275c452ab:disqus Hah! I just got out of a meeting about just that sort of thing. Appropriately, much of the meeting centered on how the Archivists just won't get the value of it.

The best thing about the video that was included here is that a VHS 'HI FI' tracking notification pops up a little ways in.

@avclub-babd6d735fefaf6f0848082a3a5785de:disqus I was thinking of saying RDA-man, but I realized that my cranky cataloger, wouldn't even want to acknowledge that newish nonsense. "If someone wants you to fill in a 3XX field, you'll do it, but you're not going to like it!" "Goddammit, writing out 'illustrations' is

Yeah, that phrase really sticks out. I've had plenty of ideas for novels, but once I was confronted with the task of actually writing them, I realized that they weren't really worth the effort.

Yeah I'm kind of inadvertently switching roles here.

The whole situation is so Kafkaesque, or, I don't know Kafkaesque mixed with Cronenberg or something. 'Alright sir, what seems to be the problem.' 'What seems to be the problem? I have enormous balls! That's the problem!' 'Yes I see, and what would you like to be done about it.' 'I want it fixed!' 'Oh, no, I'm sorry,

Holy crap, is anyone really 'feeling bad,' like actively wearing a frown or literally shedding a tear over Green? If people saw Green on the street, would they pull him aside and say, look, Mr. Green, I know about these things, and I must tell you that you are wasting your potential. I seriously think you should

As a young ornery librarian, I find this type of shit rather obnoxious.

The Slash moment in November Rain makes sense when you realize that Guns and Roses are transdimensional beings and that that church is a non-Euclidean construction. I mean, it's all right there in the video.

When it was revealed that she could actually turn the circular saw guitar on, I was really confused as to why she didn't do that initially.

I saw her in Milwaukee, Of Montreal were 'quirky' in that heavily air quoted way. But holy shit, the encore where Monáe came back out with her band and did Michael Jackson… damn. I felt sorry for the woman who left before Of Montreal came out in a sort of defiant, well that's all I came here for, see you later losers,

2/3rds of Stations of the Crass is pretty amazing, there's some good songs on the first record of Christ: The Album, and about half of the songs collected on Best Before… are great. Other than that… well… Crass was really more about a philosophy… right?

She's more Barney now than Bjork.